Functor LUVar.Make

module Make: 
functor (LU : LowerUpper.S) ->
functor (Var : GenVars.VAR with type img = LU.t) -> S with type elm = LU.elm and type obs = Var.obs and type img = LU.t
LU : LowerUpper.S
Var : GenVars.VAR with type img = LU.t

include GenVars.VAR_WITHOUT_IMG
type img 
type elm 
val set_lower : elm -> t -> unit
val set_upper : elm -> t -> unit
val set_eq : elm -> t -> unit
val subset : t -> t -> unit
val get_lower : t -> elm option
val get_upper : t -> elm option
val string_of_img : t -> string
val get_exact : t -> elm option
val string_of_with_img : t -> string