open ProglangUtils open Location open Inf open Type module TEnv = HistoryMap.AddS (struct type t = Syntax.var let string_of = Syntax.string_of_var end) (struct type t = Vars.TVar.t let string_of = Vars.TVar.string_of end) (HistoryMap.Make( struct type t = Syntax.var let compare = Syntax.compare_var end)(Vars.TVar)) (* module GEnv = OwnMap.AddS *) (* (struct type t = Loc.t let string_of = Loc.string_of end) *) (* (struct type t = Vars.OTVar.t let string_of = Vars.OTVar.string_of end) *) (* (OwnMap.Make(Loc)(Vars.OTVar)) *) module type GEN = sig exception NoLetAnnotation of string type result = { typevar : Vars.TVar.t; } type changed = { location: Type.phi; lenv: Vars.LEVar.t; tenv: TEnv.t; } val create_e : TEnv.t -> Vars.LEVar.t -> Syntax.e -> result * changed val create_s : TEnv.t -> Vars.LEVar.t -> Syntax.s -> result * Type.phi * Vars.LEVar.t val create_v : TEnv.t -> Vars.LEVar.t -> Syntax.v -> result end module Gen = struct exception NoLetAnnotation of string open ConstBasic open Syntax type result = { typevar : Vars.TVar.t; } type changed = { location: Type.phi; lenv: Vars.LEVar.t; tenv: TEnv.t; } let new_const bc = Const.add bc; () let new_const' bc = Const.add bc; bc let t_tv tv = Type.create_t_tv tv let new_tv = Vars.TVar.create let new_lv () = Type.create_phi_lsvar (Vars.LSVar.create ()) let new_r () = { typevar = new_tv () } let re tv = { typevar = tv} let new_c lenv tenv = { location = new_lv (); lenv = lenv; tenv = tenv } let ch phi lenv tenv = { location = phi; lenv = lenv; tenv = tenv } let create_demotation tenv mu = TEnv.iter (fun _ tv -> let t = t_tv tv in new_const (create_c_demotation_type t mu t)) tenv let rec create_fm_call tenv lenv v1 v2 = (* fresh variables *) let mu = new_lv () in let mus = Type.create_phi_lsvar (Vars.LEVar.get_domain_var lenv) in let alpha = new_tv () in let alpha0 = new_tv () in let lenv1 = Vars.LEVar.create () in (* constraints *) create_demotation tenv mu; new_const (create_c_demotation_lenv lenv mu lenv); new_const (create_c_disjoint mus mu); let { typevar = alpha1 } = create_v tenv lenv v1 in let { typevar = alpha2 } = create_v tenv lenv v2 in (mu,alpha,alpha0,alpha1,alpha2,lenv1) and create_e tenv lenv = function | SExp s -> let re, mu, lev = create_s tenv lenv s in re, ch mu lev tenv | Let (plab,l1o,v,s,e) -> begin let l1 = match l1o with | None -> Type.create_phi_lsvar (Vars.LSVar.create ()) | Some l1_set -> Type.create_phi_ls l1_set in (* create new fresh variables *) let mu = new_lv () in let mus = Type.create_phi_lsvar (Vars.LEVar.get_domain_var lenv) in let alpha_v = Vars.TVar.create () in (* create constraints, c5 and c8 with a recursive call *) create_demotation tenv l1; new_const (create_c_disjoint l1 mus); new_const (create_c_demotation_lenv lenv l1 lenv); let { typevar = alpha_1 }, my1, lenv1 = create_s tenv lenv s in new_const (create_c_subset my1 mu); new_const (create_c_disjoint l1 my1); let tenv' = TEnv.add v alpha_v tenv in new_const (create_c_subtype (t_tv alpha_1) (t_tv alpha_v)); let { typevar = alphae }, { location = mu2; lenv = lenv2; tenv = tenv2' } = create_e tenv' lenv1 e in let tenv2 = TEnv.remove v tenv2' in new_const (create_c_subset mu2 mu); re alphae, ch mu lenv2 tenv2 end | Mask (plab,lseto,e) -> (* create new fresh variables *) let lenv' = Vars.LEVar.create () in let mus = Type.create_phi_lsvar (Vars.LEVar.get_domain_var lenv') in let lphi = match lseto with | Some lset -> Type.create_phi_ls lset | None -> Type.create_phi_lsvar (Vars.LSVar.create ()) in let _ = (* c1 *) match lseto with | Some lset -> LSet.iter (fun l -> new_const (create_c_flow lenv (Type.create_t_obj Type.q_ex (Type.create_phi_ls (LSet.singleton l)) :> Type.t) (Type.create_t_obj Type.q_in (Type.create_phi_ls (LSet.singleton l))))) lset | None -> () in let tenv' = (* c2 *) TEnv.mapi (fun key img -> let tv = Vars.TVar.create () in let tvt = t_tv tv in let t_img = t_tv img in new_const (create_c_demotation_type tvt lphi t_img); tv ) tenv in let { typevar = alpha }, { location = mu; lenv = lenv''; tenv = tenv''} = create_e tenv' lenv' e in new_const (create_c_subset mu lphi); (* c4 *) new_const (create_c_demotation_lenv_phi lenv' lphi lphi lenv); (* c5 *) new_const (create_c_disjoint lphi mus); (* c7 *) re alpha, ch lphi lenv'' tenv'' and create_s tenv lenv = function | Val v -> let {typevar = tv} = create_v tenv lenv v in (* return the constraints and the typevariable. The location is the emptyset, the type end local environment does not change *) re tv, (Type.create_phi_ls LSet.empty), lenv | App (plab,v1,v2) -> let mu,alpha,alpha0,alpha1,alpha2,lenv1 = create_fm_call tenv lenv v1 v2 in new_const (create_c_subtype Type.t_undef (t_tv alpha0)); new_const (create_c_eqtype (t_tv alpha1) (Type.create_t_fun lenv (t_tv alpha0) (t_tv alpha2) mu lenv1 (t_tv alpha))); (* return alpha as typevariable, c as constraint, lenv1 as locale environment and mu as location set. tenv stays unchanged. *) re alpha, mu, lenv1 | MethodCall (plab,Prop (_,v1,a),v2) -> let alphaf = Vars.TVar.create () in let mu1 = Vars.LSVar.create () in let mu1_as_phi = Type.create_phi_lsvar mu1 in let xi = Vars.PrVar.create () in let xi_as_q = Type.create_q_pv (xi) in let mu,alpha,alpha0,alpha1,alpha2,lenv1 = create_fm_call tenv lenv v1 v2 in new_const (create_c_eqtype (t_tv alpha1) (Type.create_t_obj xi_as_q mu1_as_phi)); new_const (create_c_read lenv xi mu1 a alphaf); new_const ( create_c_eqtype (t_tv alphaf) (Type.create_t_fun lenv (t_tv alpha0) (t_tv alpha2) mu lenv1 (t_tv alpha0))); re alpha0, mu, lenv1 | New (plab,l) -> (* fesh variables *) let alpha = Vars.TVar.create () in let mus = Type.create_phi_lsvar (Vars.LEVar.get_domain_var lenv) in let mu = new_lv () in let lenv' = Vars.LEVar.create () in let lset = (Type.create_phi_ls (LSet.singleton l)) in create_demotation tenv lset; new_const (create_c_exclude l mus); new_const (create_c_demotation_lenv lenv lset lenv); new_const (create_c_include l mu); new_const (create_c_lev_empty_obj lenv' lenv l); new_const ( create_c_eqtype (t_tv alpha) (Type.create_t_obj Type.q_ex (Type.create_phi_ls (LSet.singleton l)))); re alpha, mu, lenv' | Read (Prop (_,v,a)) -> let alpha = new_tv () in let mu = new_lv () in let mu1 = Vars.LSVar.create () in let mu1_as_phi = Type.create_phi_lsvar mu1 in let xi = Vars.PrVar.create () in let xi_as_q = Type.create_q_pv (xi) in let { typevar = alpha1 } = create_v tenv lenv v in new_const (create_c_eqtype (t_tv alpha1) (Type.create_t_obj xi_as_q mu1_as_phi)); new_const (create_c_read lenv xi mu1 a alpha); new_const (create_c_subset mu (Type.create_phi_ls LSet.empty)); re alpha, mu, lenv | Write (_, Prop (_,v1,a), v2) -> let alpha = new_tv () in let mu = new_lv () in let mu1 = Vars.LSVar.create () in let mu1_as_phi = Type.create_phi_lsvar mu1 in let xi = Vars.PrVar.create () in let xi_as_q = Type.create_q_pv xi in let lenv' = Vars.LEVar.create () in let { typevar = alpha1 } = create_v tenv lenv v1 in new_const (create_c_eqtype (t_tv alpha1) (Type.create_t_obj xi_as_q mu1_as_phi)); let { typevar = alpha2 } = create_v tenv lenv v2 in new_const (create_c_write lenv alpha1 a alpha2 lenv'); new_const (create_c_eqtype (t_tv alpha) Type.t_undef); new_const (create_c_subset mu (Type.create_phi_ls LSet.empty)); re alpha, mu, lenv' and create_v tenv lenv v = let eq_tv t = let tv = new_tv () in new_const (ConstBasic.create_c_eqtype t (t_tv tv)); { typevar = tv } in let create_v' = function | Var (_,var) -> { typevar = if (TEnv.mem var tenv) then TEnv.find var tenv else failwith ("Variable " ^ (string_of_var var) ^ " not in type environment. " ^"Typing not possible.") } | Pointer (_,p) -> let l = Location.P.get_location p in let q = if Location.P.is_precise p then Type.q_ex else Type.q_in in eq_tv (Type.create_t_obj q (Type.create_phi_ls (LSet.singleton l))) | Undef _ -> eq_tv Type.t_undef | Int _ -> eq_tv Type.t_int | Lam (_,y,x,e) as v -> let alpha0,alpha2 = Vars.TVar.create (), Vars.TVar.create () in let mu, mu' = new_lv (), new_lv () in let lenv2 = Vars.LEVar.create () in let mus = Type.create_phi_lsvar (Vars.LEVar.get_domain_var lenv2) in new_const (create_c_disjoint mu mus); new_const (create_c_subset mu' mu); let kl = VarSet.elements (Syntax.free_v v) in let tenv' = TEnv.restrict kl tenv in let c4 = (TEnv.iter (fun _ t -> new_const (create_c_locs mu' (t_tv t))) tenv' ) in let tenv'' = TEnv.fold (fun key img tenv'' -> let tv = Vars.TVar.create () in let tenv'' = TEnv.add key tv tenv'' in let tenv''x = t_tv tv in let tenv'x = Type.create_t_tv img in new_const (create_c_demotation_type tenv''x mu' tenv'x); new_const (create_c_flow lenv2 tenv'x tenv''x); tenv'' ) tenv' TEnv.empty in let { typevar = alpha1 }, { location = mu''; lenv = lenv1; tenv = tenv'''} = create_e (TEnv.add y alpha0 (TEnv.add x alpha2 tenv'')) lenv2 e in new_const (create_c_subset mu'' mu); eq_tv (Type.create_t_fun lenv2 (t_tv alpha0) (t_tv alpha2) mu lenv1 (t_tv alpha1)) in let { typevar = tv } = create_v' v in (* Subsumation *) let alpha = new_tv () in new_const (create_c_subtype (t_tv tv) (t_tv alpha)); { typevar = alpha } end module TestUtils = struct let wrap_reset f x = Location.reset_all (); Vars.reset (); Const.reset (); let r = f x in Location.reset_all (); Vars.reset (); Const.reset (); r let wrap_list = (fun (s,f) -> (s,wrap_reset f)) end module TestGen = struct open ExtString open ExtList open Vars open Type open Test open TestUtils open Gen open ExtUtils let init_tests () = let assert_string s1 s2 = assert_equal ~cmp:(Utils.compare_to_equal ~printer:(fun x -> x) s1 s2 in let assert_string_n s1 s2 = assert_string ("\n" ^ s1 ^ "\n") ("\n" ^ s2 ^ "\n") in let assert_const c1 c2 = let c1l = String.nsplit c1 "; " in let c2l = String.nsplit c2 "; " in let cmp = List.compare_ignore_order ~equal:(Utils.compare_to_equal in assert_equal ~cmp:cmp ~printer:(fun sl -> String.concat "; " ( (fun s -> "'"^s^"'") sl)) c1l c2l in let t1 () = let tenv = TEnv.empty in let lev = LEVar.create () in let v = Syntax.v_undef () in let { typevar = tv } = create_v tenv lev v in assert_const "undefined = tv_0; tv_0 <: tv_1" (Const.string_of ()); assert_const "tv_1" (TVar.string_of tv); let var = Syntax.create_var "var" in let v2 = Syntax.v_var var in let tv2 = TVar.create () in let tenv = TEnv.add var tv2 tenv in let _ = Const.reset () in let {typevar = tv2' } = create_v tenv lev v2 in assert_const "tv_2 <: tv_3" (Const.string_of ()); assert_const "tv_3" (TVar.string_of tv2'); in let t2 () = let tenv = TEnv.empty in let lev = LEVar.create () in let s_new = Syntax.s_new () in let { typevar = tv }, phi, lev' = create_s tenv lev s_new in assert_const ("le_0 :=#{l0} le_0; l0 IN mu_1; l0 EX mu_0; " ^ "tv_0 = obj(@{l0}); le_1 = le_0[l0 -> {}]") (Const.string_of ()); assert_string "tv_0" (TVar.string_of tv); assert_string "mu_1" (string_of_phi phi); assert_string "le_1" (LEVar.string_of lev'); in let t3 () = let tenv = TEnv.empty in let lev = LEVar.create () in let s_undef = Syntax.s_val (Syntax.v_undef ()) in let { typevar = tv }, phi, lev' = create_s tenv lev s_undef in assert_const "undefined = tv_0; tv_0 <: tv_1" (Const.string_of ()); assert_string "tv_1" (TVar.string_of tv); assert_string "{}" (string_of_phi phi); assert_string "le_0" (LEVar.string_of lev'); in let t4 () = let tenv = TEnv.empty in let lev = LEVar.create () in let s_app = Syntax.s_app (Syntax.v_undef ()) (Syntax.v_undef ()) in let { typevar = tv }, phi, lev' = create_s tenv lev s_app in assert_const ("le_0 :=#mu_0 le_0; mu_1 d mu_0; undefined <: tv_1;" ^" undefined = tv_2; tv_2 <: tv_3;" ^" undefined = tv_4; tv_4 <: tv_5;" ^" tv_3 = (le_0,tv_1 x tv_5)-mu_0->(le_1,tv_0)") (Const.string_of ()); assert_string "tv_0" (TVar.string_of tv); assert_string "mu_0" (string_of_phi phi); assert_string "le_1" (LEVar.string_of lev'); in let t5 () = let tenv = TEnv.empty in let lev = LEVar.create () in let v = Syntax.v_undef () in let s_read = Syntax.s_read v (Syntax.create_label "read") in let { typevar = tv }, phi, lev' = create_s tenv lev s_read in assert_const ("mu_0 s {}; undefined = tv_1; tv_1 <: tv_2; " ^"tv_2 = obj(pv_0mu_1); le_0 |-r pv_0 : tv_0") (Const.string_of ()); assert_string "tv_0" (TVar.string_of tv); assert_string "mu_0" (string_of_phi phi); assert_string "le_0" (LEVar.string_of lev'); in let t6 () = let tenv = TEnv.empty in let lev = LEVar.create () in let v = Syntax.v_undef () in let s_write = Syntax.s_write v (Syntax.create_label "w") (Syntax.v_undef ()) in let { typevar = tv }, phi, lev' = create_s tenv lev s_write in assert_const ("mu_0 s {}; undefined = tv_1; undefined = tv_3; " ^"tv_0 = undefined; tv_2 = obj(pv_0mu_1); " ^"le_0 |-w tv_2.w = tv_4 => le_1; " ^"tv_1 <: tv_2; tv_3 <: tv_4") (Const.string_of ()); assert_string "tv_0" (TVar.string_of tv); assert_string "mu_0" (string_of_phi phi); assert_string "le_1" (LEVar.string_of lev'); in let t7 () = let tenv = TEnv.empty in let lev = LEVar.create () in let s_app = Syntax.s_mcall (Syntax.v_undef ()) (Syntax.create_label "m") (Syntax.v_undef ()) in let { typevar = tv }, phi, lev' = create_s tenv lev s_app in assert_const ("le_0 :=#mu_1 le_0; mu_2 d mu_1; undefined = tv_3; tv_3 <: tv_4; " ^"undefined = tv_5; tv_5 <: tv_6; tv_0 = (le_0,tv_2 x tv_6)-mu_1->(le_1,tv_2); " ^"tv_4 = obj(pv_0mu_0); " ^"le_0 |-r pv_0 mu_0.m : tv_0") (Const.string_of ()); assert_string "tv_2" (TVar.string_of tv); assert_string "mu_1" (string_of_phi phi); assert_string "le_1" (LEVar.string_of lev'); in let t8 () = let e_undef = Syntax.e_sexp (Syntax.s_val (Syntax.v_undef ())) in let tenv = TEnv.empty in let lev = LEVar.create () in let { typevar = tv }, {location = phi; lenv = lev'; tenv = tev' } = create_e tenv lev e_undef in assert_const ("undefined = tv_0; tv_0 <: tv_1") (Const.string_of ()); assert_string "tv_1" (TVar.string_of tv); assert_string "{}" (string_of_phi phi); assert_string "le_0" (LEVar.string_of lev'); assert_string "" (TEnv.string_of tev'); in let t9 () = let e_undef = Syntax.e_sexp (Syntax.s_val (Syntax.v_undef ())) in let tenv = TEnv.empty in let lev = LEVar.create () in let vlam = Syntax.v_lam (Syntax.create_var "this") (Syntax.create_var "x") e_undef in let { typevar = tv } = create_v tenv lev vlam in assert_const ("{} s mu_1; mu_0 s mu_1; mu_1 d mu_2; " ^"undefined = tv_2; tv_2 <: tv_3; " ^"(le_1,tv_1 x tv_0)-mu_1->(le_1,tv_3) = tv_4; tv_4 <: tv_5") (Const.string_of ()); assert_string "tv_5" (TVar.string_of tv); in let create_let_ex () = let s_undef = Syntax.s_val (Syntax.v_undef ()) in let e_let = Syntax.e_let (Syntax.create_var "x") s_undef (Syntax.e_sexp (Syntax.s_val (Syntax.v_var (Syntax.create_var "x")))) in let tenv = TEnv.empty in let lev = LEVar.create () in let _ = Const.reset () in let { typevar = tv }, {location = phi; lenv = lev'; tenv = tev' } = create_e tenv lev e_let in tv,phi,lev',tev' in let t10 () = let tv,phi,lev',tev' = create_let_ex () in assert_const ("le_0 :=#mu_0 le_0; {} s mu_1; mu_0 d {}; mu_0 d mu_2; " ^"undefined = tv_1; tv_1 <: tv_2; tv_0 <: tv_3; tv_2 <: tv_0") (Const.string_of ()); assert_string "tv_3" (TVar.string_of tv); assert_string "mu_1" (string_of_phi phi); assert_string "le_0" (LEVar.string_of lev'); assert_string "" (TEnv.string_of tev'); () in wrap_list [("gen test for basic values, undef, variable", t1); ("gen test for basic s_exp, new", t2); ("gen test for basic s_exp, value", t3); ("gen test for basic s_exp, app", t4); ("gen test for basic s_exp, read", t5); ("gen test for basic s_exp, write", t6); ("gen test for basic s_exp, mcall", t7); ("gen test for basic e_sexp", t8); ("gen test for basic v_lam, " ^"does not test TEnv folds, because TEnv is empty", t9); ("gen test for basic e_let", t10); ] let _ = install_tests "Gen" (wrap_reset init_tests) end