module While2 where import Data.Char import Data.List import Parser2 import Text.PrettyPrint import Test.QuickCheck -- | ----------------------- | -- | The Program type -- | ----------------------- | data Program = Program [Stmt] deriving (Show, Eq) data Stmt = While Exp [Stmt] | Asgn Id Exp | Print Exp deriving (Show, Eq) data Exp = Cmp COp Exp Exp | If Exp Exp Exp | Not Exp | Num Integer | Op AOp Exp Exp | Var Id deriving (Show, Eq) data COp = Eq | Neq | Le | Gt deriving (Show, Eq) data AOp = Plus | Minus | Times | Div deriving (Show, Eq) type Id = String -- |--------------------------| -- | An example program -- |--------------------------| ex_while1_str = "\n\ \ x:=0; y :=5;\n\ \ while x <= 10 do\n\ \ y := (y * 5); x := (x + 1)\n\ \ done;\n\ \ y := if y > 10000 then 10000 else y fi\n\ \ ;print (y + 5)\ \ " ex_while1 = Program [ Asgn "x" (Num 0) , Asgn "y" (Num 5) , While (Cmp Le (Var "x") (Num 10)) [ Asgn "y" (Op Times (Var "y") (Num 5)) , Asgn "x" (Op Plus (Var "x") (Num 1)) ] , Asgn "y" (If (Cmp Gt (Var "y") (Num 10000)) (Num 10000) (Var "y")) , Print (Op Plus (Var "y") (Num 5)) ] -- |------------------------------------| -- | An Arbitrary Instance for Programs | -- |------------------------------------| instance Arbitrary Program where arbitrary = Program <$> gen_stmts 10 gen_stmts n = resize n (listOf1 $ gen_stmt n) gen_stmt 0 = Asgn <$> gen_id <*> gen_exp 3 gen_stmt n = frequency [ (1, While <$> gen_exp n <*> gen_stmts (n `div` 2)) , (1, Asgn <$> gen_id <*> gen_exp n) , (1, Print <$> gen_exp n) ] gen_exp 0 = Var <$> gen_id gen_exp n = frequency [ (2, gen_cmpExp ) , (3, gen_aexp n) ] where nextN = n `div` 2 expResize n' = resize (n' `div` 4) gen_cmpExp = expResize n $ oneof $ [ Cmp <$> gen_cmp <*> gen_aexp nextN <*> gen_aexp nextN , If <$> gen_exp nextN <*> gen_exp nextN <*> gen_exp nextN , Not <$> gen_exp nextN ] gen_aexp n' = expResize n' $ oneof $ [ (\(Positive i) -> Num i) <$> arbitrary , Op <$> gen_op <*> gen_aexp nextN <*> gen_aexp nextN , Var <$> gen_id ] gen_op = elements [Plus, Minus, Times, Div] gen_cmp = elements [Eq, Neq, Le, Gt] gen_id = resize 10 $ ("var" ++) . show <$> choose (0, 20 :: Int) -- |--------------------------| -- | Pretty printing programs | -- |--------------------------| -- Use this function to print a program in human readable form (better -- then show) pp :: Program -> String pp (Program ss) = render $ pp_stmts ss -- You don't need to worry about the implementation (but you can, if you like) pp_stmts ss = vcat $ punctuate (semi <+> space) $ map pp_stmt ss pp_stmt (While e1 ss) = text "while" <+> pp_exp e1 <+> text "do" $$ wnest (pp_stmts ss) $$ text "done" pp_stmt (Asgn i e) = text i <+> text ":=" <+> pp_exp e pp_stmt (Print e) = text "print" <+> pp_exp e pp_exp (Cmp op e1 e2) = pp_exp e1 <+> pp_cmp op <+> pp_exp e2 pp_exp (Not e) = text "not" <+> pp_exp e pp_exp (Num i) = integer i pp_exp (Op op e1 e2) = char '(' <> pp_exp e1 <+> pp_op op <+> pp_exp e2 <> char ')' pp_exp (Var i) = text i pp_exp (If e e1 e2) = text "if" <+> pp_exp e <+> text "then" <+> pp_exp e1 <+> text "else" <+> pp_exp e2 <+> text "fi" pp_cmp = text . hshow_cmp pp_op = text . hshow_op wnest = nest 2 -- |--------------------------| -- | The type of tokens -- |--------------------------| -- Use this lexer to tokenize the input before parsing lexer :: String -> Maybe [Token] lexer = parse $ many1 (skipSpace *> p_tok) <* skipSpace -- These Tokens are produced by the lexer `lex' data Token = TWhile | TPrint | TSep | TDo | TDone | TNot | TIf | TFi | TThen | TElse | TOpen | TClose | TCmp COp | TOp AOp | TAsgn | TNum Integer | TId Id deriving (Eq, Show) hshow_token t = case t of TPrint -> "print" TWhile -> "while" TSep -> ";" TDo -> "do" TDone -> "done" TNot -> "not" TIf -> "if" TFi -> "fi" TThen -> "then" TElse -> "else" TOpen -> "(" TClose -> ")" TAsgn -> ":=" TCmp op -> hshow_cmp op TOp op -> hshow_op op TNum i -> show i TId i -> i hshow_cmp Eq = "==" hshow_cmp Le = "<=" hshow_cmp Gt = ">" hshow_cmp Neq = "!=" hshow_op o = case o of Plus -> "+" Minus -> "-" Times -> "*" Div -> "/" skipSpace = many (satisfy isSpace) p_tok = t_alnum <|> t_paren <|> t_op <|> t_cmp <|> t_sep <|> t_asgn <|> t_num t_alnum = fmap mkToken $ (:) <$> satisfy isAlpha <*> many (satisfy isAlphaNum) where mkToken "while" = TWhile mkToken "print" = TPrint mkToken "do" = TDo mkToken "done" = TDone mkToken "not" = TNot mkToken "if" = TIf mkToken "fi" = TFi mkToken "then" = TThen mkToken "else" = TElse mkToken i = TId i t_paren = TOpen <$ lit '(' <|> TClose <$ lit ')' t_cmp :: Parser Char Token t_cmp = fmap TCmp $ Le <$ string "<=" <|> Gt <$ string ">" <|> Eq <$ string "==" <|> Neq <$ string "!=" t_op = fmap TOp $ Plus <$ string "+" <|> Minus <$ string "-" <|> Times <$ string "*" <|> Div <$ string "/" t_num = TNum . read <$> many1 (satisfy isDigit) t_sep = TSep <$ lit ';' t_asgn = TAsgn <$ string ":=" -- |------------------| -- | Parser Utilities | -- |------------------| string xs = foldr (liftA2 (:)) (pure []) $ map lit xs many1 p = (:) <$> p <*> many p