module Ex08_Solution where import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Function import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Test.QuickCheck import Transformers import While3 -- |---------------------| -- | Matcher | -- |---------------------| -- This is the direct implementation of Matcher. For the -- transformer-based version see Ex08_Solution_MatcherTrans.hs data FileType = Haskell | Java | Tex | Binary | Other String deriving (Eq, Show) fileType :: String -> FileType fileType name = runMatcher name $ do matchExt "hs" Haskell matchExt "java" Java matchExt "tex" Tex match "a.out" Binary ext <- getExt return $ Other ext -- Combination of Reader and Error: a is the data that we match on and -- b is the return type for a successfull match. We use the Error -- Monad's ``abort'' ability to stop matching on a successful match... data Matcher a b c = Matcher { rawMatcher :: a -> Either b c } instance Monad (Matcher a b) where return x = Matcher $ const (Right x) m >>= f = Matcher $ \x -> case rawMatcher m x of Left y -> Left y Right y -> rawMatcher (f y) x -- A restricted version or rawMatcher. Usefull when we treat the -- non-aborting case as a default return value. runMatcher :: a -> Matcher a b b -> b runMatcher x m = either id id $ rawMatcher m x -- the ``atomic actions'' on matchers matchAsk = Matcher $ Right . id found x = Matcher $ const (Left x) under f m = Matcher $ \x -> rawMatcher m (f x) -- the actions for needed for the example matchWhen p r = matchAsk >>= \x -> when (p x) (found r) matchExt e r = under (takeExt) $ matchWhen (e ==) r matchExt' e r = matchWhen (e `isSuffixOf`) r match s = matchWhen (==s) getExt = under takeExt matchAsk takeExt s = reverse $ takeWhile (/= '.') (reverse s) tests_matcher = testGroup "matcher" [ testProperty "haskell" $ fileType "Hello.hs" == Haskell , testProperty "java" $ fileType "" == Java , testProperty "tex" $ fileType "Hello.tex" == Tex , testProperty "bin" $ fileType "a.out" == Binary , testProperty "fail" $ fileType "bla.blub" == Other "blub" ] -- |---------------------| -- | While Interpreter -- |---------------------| data Value = VInt Integer | VBool Bool deriving (Show, Eq) type State = [(Id, Value)] type Output = [Value] -- The interpreter monad. ErrorT is used to abort execution when the -- calculation do not make sense. type MWhile = ErrorT String (StateT State (WriterT Output I)) -- Some usefull actions for the MWhile monad: -- assignement (and allocation) asgn :: Id -> Value -> MWhile () asgn i v = lift $ modify insertVar >> return () where insertVar = insertBy (compare `on` fst) (i, v) . filter ((/= i) . fst) modify f = get >>= put . f -- checked access to a variable. If it is not defined an error is raised. access i = maybe (mthrow $ "Variable " ++ i ++ " is not allocated") return . lookup i =<< lift get printResult i = lift $ lift $ tell [i] -- The following actions perform ``type checking'' during -- interpretation. If the argument does not match, the execution is -- aborted. checkInt (VInt i) = return i checkInt v = mthrow $ "Not an integer: " ++ show v checkBool (VBool b) = return b checkBool v = mthrow $ "Not a boolean: " ++ show v -- main interpretation function. The first component of the result may -- indicate an error. runWhile :: State -> Program -> (Either String (), State, Output) runWhile initial (Program stmts) = mkResult $ exI $ exWriterT $ exStateT (exErrorT (evalStmts stmts)) initial where mkResult ((r, s), o) = (fmap (const ()) r, s, o) -- the interpreter: evalStmts :: [Stmt] -> MWhile () evalStmts = mapM_ evalStmt evalStmt s@(While e stmts) = do b <- checkBool =<< evalExp e when (b) (evalStmts (stmts ++ [s])) evalStmt (Asgn i e) = asgn i =<< evalExp e evalStmt (Print e) = printResult =<< evalExp e evalExp :: Exp -> MWhile Value evalExp (Cmp op e1 e2) = do b <- liftM2 (evalCOp op) (checkInt =<< evalExp e1) (checkInt =<< evalExp e2) return $ VBool b evalExp (If e e1 e2) = do x <- checkBool =<< evalExp e if x then evalExp e1 else evalExp e2 evalExp (Not e) = do liftM (VBool . not) $ checkBool =<< evalExp e evalExp (Num i) = return $ VInt i evalExp (Op op e1 e2) = do i <- liftM2 (evalOp op) (checkInt =<< evalExp e1) (checkInt =<< evalExp e2) return $ VInt i evalExp (Var x) = access x evalOp Plus = (+) evalOp Minus = (-) evalOp Times = (*) evalOp Div = div evalCOp Eq = (==) evalCOp Neq = (/=) evalCOp Le = (<=) evalCOp Gt = (>) tests_while = testGroup "while interpreter" [ testProperty "while1" $ runWhile [] ex_while1 == (Right (), [("x", VInt 11), ("y", VInt 10000)], [VInt 10005]) , testProperty "while2" $ fmap (runWhile [("z", VInt 3)]) (parseProgram ex_while2_str) `shouldBe` ([("x", VInt 4), ("y", VInt (5^5)), ("z", VInt 3)], [VInt (5^5+5)]) , testProperty "while_typeerror" $ shouldBeError $ fmap (runWhile []) (parseProgram ex_while_typeerror_str) , testProperty "while_typeerror2" $ shouldBeError $ fmap (runWhile []) (parseProgram ex_while_typeerror2_str) ] where shouldBeError m = fromMaybe False $ fmap (isLeft . fst3) m isLeft (Left _) = True isLeft _ = False fst3 (x,_,_) = x shouldBe result (s, o) = result == Just (Right (), s , o ) ex_while_typeerror_str = "\n\ \ x:=0; y :=5;\n\ \ while 10 do\n\ \ y := (y * 5); x := (x + 1)\n\ \ done;\n\ \ y := if y > 10000 then 10000 else y fi\n\ \ ;print (y + 5)\ \ " ex_while2_str = "\n\ \ x:=0; y :=5;\n\ \ while x <= z do\n\ \ y := (y * 5); x := (x + 1)\n\ \ done;\n\ \ y := if y > 10000 then 10000 else y fi\n\ \ ;print (y + 5)\ \ " ex_while_typeerror2_str = "\n\ \ x:=0; y :=5;\n\ \ while x <= 10 do\n\ \ y := (y * 5); x := (x + 1)\n\ \ done;\n\ \ y := if y > 10000 then 10000 else y fi\n\ \ ;print (x + 5)\ \ ;print (z + 5)\ \ " -- |---------------------| -- | Tests -- |---------------------| runTests = defaultMain [ tests_matcher , tests_while ]