* visit LogicGaps.agda * type C-c C-l to compile > syntax highlighting appears, list of goals at the bottom * move to first goal indicated by { }0 ** use C-c C-f (forward) and C-c C-b (backward) to navigate goals ** use C-c C-, to inspect the current goal ** use C-c C-? to return to the list of goals * entering special characters using Agda's latex-input-mode (unless you have a unicode keyboard ;-) ** ⊤ \top ** ⊥ \bot ** ∧ \wedge ** ∨ \vee ** ⟨ \langle ** ⟩ \rangle ** ∀ \forall \all ** → \to \r (but -> will also do the job) ** λ \lambda or \Gl ** ¬ \neg ** ₁ \_1 (analogously for other numeric subscripts) ** ↔ \leftrightarrow \<-> ** ℕ \bn ** ≡ \equiv ** ≤ \le ** × \times \x ** ↑ \u * introduce pattern matching in a function definition ** entire right hand side must be a goal ** position cursor in goal ** type the parameter name(s) on which to pattern match into the goal ** use C-c C-c to introduce patterns on the left hand side * fill a goal automatically ** position cursor in goal ** use C-c C-a to fill in > check! the result will be type correct, but it may not be what you want > Agda may fail to fill it in: it performs a backtracking search with a time limit > If Agda fails, you will have to massage the goal by yourself. * check a partial solution ** position cursor in goal of type G ** type in an expression of type G1 -> G2 -> ... -> Gn -> G (where n>=0) ** use C-c C-r to refine > if successful, results in n new goals of type G1, ..., Gn