Index of values

(>:) [OUnit]
Create a TestLabel for a test
(>::) [OUnit]
Create a TestLabel for a TestCase
(>:::) [OUnit]
Create a TestLabel for a TestList
(@?) [Test]
(@?) [OUnit]
Shorthand for assert_bool

add [OwnMap.S]
add x y m returns a map containing the same bindings as m, plus a binding of x to y.
add [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
add [ExtSSetImp.S]
add [ExtSSet.S]
add [ExtList.List]
adds the element to the list, if the list don't contains it already.
add' [OwnMap.S]
add' x y m returns m if y = None, and add x (Some e) m if y = Some e.
add_list [OwnMap.S]
add a list of key,img pairs to the map
add_list [ExtSSetImp.S]
add_list [ExtSSet.S]
add_log_target [Log]
add another log target
append [ExtList.List]
apply [ExtUtils.Utils]
apply f x runs the function f and gives x as parameter.
apply' [ExtUtils.Utils]
apply' x f runs the function f and gives x as parameter.
assert_bool [Test]
assert_bool [OUnit]
Signals a failure when bool is false.
assert_equal [Test]
assert_equal [OUnit]
Compares two values, when they are not equal a failure is signaled.
assert_failure [Test]
assert_failure [OUnit]
Signals a failure.
assert_raises [Test]
assert_raises [OUnit]
Asserts if the expected exception was raised.
assert_string [Test]
assert_string [OUnit]
Signals a failure when the string is non-empty.
assoc [ExtList.List]
assoc' [ExtList.List]
assoc' a l == Some b iff assoc a l == b.
assq [ExtList.List]

basename [Path.A]
basename [Path.R]
bind [Option]
blit [ExtString.String]
bracket [Test]
bracket [OUnit]

canonicalize [Path.A]
capitalize [ExtString.String]
cardinal [ExtSSetImp.S]
cardinal [ExtSSet.S]
change_log_target [Log]
Change the log target
choose [ExtSSetImp.S]
choose [ExtSSet.S]
choose' [ExtSSet.S]
chop_extension [Path.A]
chop_extension [Path.R]
clear [PrioQueues.S]
clear [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
cmp_float [Test]
cmp_float [OUnit]
Compare floats up to a given relative error.
combine [ExtList.List]
comp [ExtUtils.Utils]
compares two values
compare [Path.A]
compare [Path.R]
compare [OwnMap.OrderedType]
compare [OwnMap.S]
Total ordering between maps.
compare [HiddenInts.HI]
compare [ExtString.String]
compare [ExtSSetImp.S]
compare [ExtSSet.OrderedType]
compare [ExtSSet.S]
compare [ExtList.List]
Compares two lists using a compare operator over the elements of the list.
compare_2_tup [ExtUtils.Utils]
Returns a total ordering of tuppels with two components
compare_3_tup [ExtUtils.Utils]
Returns a total ordering of tuppels with three components
compare_all [HistoryMap.S]
compare_all m1 m2 compares two maps and respects the full history of the two maps.
compare_ignore_order [ExtList.List]
compare_ignore_order ~equal:eq l1 l2 returns true if the two lists l1 and l2 has the same elements.
compare_to_equal [ExtUtils.Utils]
compare_to_equal f returns a function that returns true of f a b == 0, otherwise it returns false.
components [Path.A]
components [Path.R]
concat [Path.A]
concat [Path.R]
concat [Path]
concatenate to paths
concat [ExtString.String]
concat [ExtList.List]
concat' [Path.R]
contains [ExtString.String]
contains_from [ExtString.String]
copy [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
copy [ExtString.String]
create [PrioQueues.S]
create [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
create [ExtString.String]
create [ExtSSetImp.S]
create_new [HiddenInts.HI]

debug [Log]
Debug log
diff [ExtSSet.S]
diff [ExtList.List]
diff l1 l2 contains all elements of l1 that are not part of l2 if l1, l2 as sets.
dirname [Path.A]
dirname [Path.R]
disable_ansi_color [Log]
Disable the ansi color escape sequence usage, if you log to stdout.
disable_ansi_esc [Log]
Disable the ansi escape sequence usage, if you log to stdout.
disable_level [Log]
disable the level and all levels with lower priority.
domain [OwnMap.S]
Returns the domain of the map as a list of keys
doo [Option]

elements [ExtSSetImp.S]
elements [ExtSSet.S]
empty [OwnMap.S]
The empty map
empty [ExtSSet.S]
enable_level [Log]
enable the given level and all level with higher priority.
ends_with [ExtString.String]
ends_with s x returns true if the string s is ending with x.
equal [OwnMap.S]
equal m1 m2 tests whether the maps m1 and m2 are equal, that is, contain equal keys and associate them with equal data.
equal [ExtSSetImp.S]
equal [ExtSSet.S]
equal_all [HistoryMap.S]
equal m1 m2 tests whether the maps m1 and m2 are equal.
error [Log]
Error log
escaped [ExtString.String]
executable_name [Path.A]
exists [ExtString.String]
exists str sub returns true if sub is a substring of str or false otherwise.
exists [ExtSSetImp.S]
exists [ExtSSet.S]
exists [ExtList.List]
exists2 [ExtList.List]
explode [ExtString.String]
explode s returns the list of characters in the string s.

fast_sort [ExtList.List]
fatal [Log]
Fatal log
file_exists [Path.A]
fill [ExtString.String]
filter [ExtSSetImp.S]
filter [ExtSSet.S]
filter [ExtList.List]
filter_dir_components [Path.R]
find [OwnMap.S]
Returns the image of the given key.
find [ExtString.String]
find s x returns the starting index of the string x within the string s or raises Invalid_string if x is not a substring of s.
find [ExtList.List]
find' [OwnMap.S]
Similar to find, but does not raise an error if no image is found.
find' [ExtList.List]
like find, but does not throw an error.
find_all [ExtList.List]
fixpoint [ExtUtils.Utils]
fixpoint f a applies f to a, then f to f a, and so on, until a fixpoint is reached and f x == x for some x = f ... f a.
flatten [ExtList.List]
flip [ExtUtils.Utils]
flip f turns the order of parameters of f, if f is a function with two parameters.
fold [OwnMap.S]
fold f m a computes (f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 a)...), where k1 ... kN are the keys of all bindings in m (in increasing order), and d1 ... dN are the associated data.
fold [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
fold [ExtSSetImp.S]
fold [ExtSSet.S]
fold_all [HistoryMap.S]
fold_all f m behaves like fold f m, except that also the hidden bindings are passed to f.
fold_left [ExtString.String]
fold_left f a s is f (... (f (f a s.[0]) s.[1]) ...) s.[n-1]
fold_left [ExtList.List]
fold_left2 [ExtList.List]
fold_right [ExtString.String]
fold_right f s b is f s.[0] (f s.[1] (... (f s.[n-1] b) ...))
fold_right [ExtList.List]
fold_right2 [ExtList.List]
fold_two [OwnMap.S]
fold_two f a m1 m2 fold the two maps m1 and m2 together.
for_all [ExtSSetImp.S]
for_all [ExtSSet.S]
for_all [ExtList.List]
for_all2 [ExtList.List]
from_list [OwnMap.S]
creates a new map from a assignment list
from_list [ExtSSetImp.S]
from_list [ExtSSet.S]
full_debug [Log]
Full Debug log
full_info [Log]
Full info log

get [ExtString.String]
get_os_type [ExtUtils.Utils]
returns the operation system
getcwd [Path.A]

hd [ExtList.List]

identity [String_of]
The identity function
implode [ExtString.String]
implode cs returns a string resulting from concatenating the characters in the list cs.
index [ExtString.String]
index_from [ExtString.String]
info [Log]
Info log
init [ExtString.String]
init l f returns the string of length l with the chars f 0 , f 1 , f 2 ...
install_tests [Test]
install_tests "module" f adds for the module give as first parameter all test into the test suite, if run tests is called.
inter [ExtSSet.S]
inter [ExtList.List]
inter l1 l2 contains the intersection of the two sets l1 and l2.
is_empty [PrioQueues.S]
is_empty [OwnMap.S]
Tests if the map is empty or not.
is_empty [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
is_empty [ExtSSetImp.S]
is_empty [ExtSSet.S]
is_empty [ExtList.List]
returns true if the list is empty, otherwise returns false.
is_enabled [Log]
Checks if level is enabled.
is_prefix [Path.A]
is_prefix [Path.R]
iter [OwnMap.S]
iter f m applies f to all bindings in map m.
iter [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
iter [ExtString.String]
iter [ExtSSetImp.S]
iter [ExtSSet.S]
iter [ExtList.List]
iter2 [ExtList.List]
iter_all [HistoryMap.S]
iter_all f m applies f to all bindings in map m.

join [ExtString.String]
Same as concat

lazy_concat [ExtString.String]
lazy_concat s1 s2 concats the two suspensions if the result is forced.
lchop [ExtString.String]
Returns the same string but without the first character.
length [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
length [ExtString.String]
length [ExtList.List]
level_debug [Log]
one log level
level_error [Log]
one log level
level_fatal [Log]
one log level
level_full_debug [Log]
one log level
level_full_info [Log]
one log level
level_info [Log]
one log level
level_names [Log]
list of log level names
level_of_string [Log]
Converts string into level.
level_warn [Log]
one log level
lowercase [ExtString.String]

make [Path.A]
make [Path.R]
make [Path]
creates a path from a string
make [ExtString.String]
make_from_components [Path.R]
map [OwnMap.S]
map f m returns a map with same domain as m, where the associated value a of all bindings of m has been replaced by the result of the application of f to a.
map [ExtString.String]
map f s returns a string where all characters c in s have been replaced by f c.
map [ExtList.List]
map2 [ExtList.List]
map_all [HistoryMap.S]
map_all f m behaves like map f m, except that also the hidden bindings are passed to f.
map_to_list [OwnMap.S]
map_to_list f m returns the list of values that f return, if it is applied to the key and image values of the map m.
mapi [OwnMap.S]
Same as, but the function receives as arguments both the key and the associated value for each binding of the map.
mapi [ExtList.List]
mapi f l applies f to each element of the list and also gives the position of the list element as first parameter.
mapi_all [HistoryMap.S]
mapi_all f m behaves like mapi f m, except that also the hidden bindings are passed to f.
mapi_and_map_to_list [OwnMap.S]
mapi_and_map_to_list f m returns the list of values that f return, if it is applied to the key and image values of the map m and allows to change the image of the map at the same time.
mapto [OwnMap.Custom]
mapto [HistoryMap.Custom]
mapto [ExtSMap.OrderedType]
this is the string used to seperate the key from the imange, often you can use ->
max_elt [ExtSSetImp.S]
max_elt [ExtSSet.S]
maybe_cmp [Option]
Takes a compare function and returns a new one, that is able to deal with option values.
maybe_equal [Option]
Takes a compare function and returns a new one, that is able to deal with option values.
maybe_exists [ExtList.List]
maybe_exists f l returns Some true if f e == Some true for at least one element e of l.
maybe_forall [ExtList.List]
maybe_forall f l returns Some true if f e == Some true for all elements e of l.
maybe_string [Option]
Takes a string_of function and returns a function that converts 'a option values into a string.
maybe_tuppel [Option]
Runs the given function on the two arguments, if both are not None.
mem [OwnMap.S]
mem x m returns true if m contains a binding for x, and false otherwise.
mem [ExtSSetImp.S]
mem [ExtSSet.S]
mem [ExtList.List]
mem_assoc [ExtList.List]
mem_assq [ExtList.List]
mem_cmp [ExtList.List]
mem_cmp cmp a l checks if a is element of the list, and uses cmp as compare operator.
memq [ExtList.List]
merge [ExtList.List]
min_elt [ExtSSetImp.S]
min_elt [ExtSSet.S]

nsplit [ExtString.String]
nsplit s sep splits the string s into a list of strings which are separated by sep.
nth [ExtList.List]

of_char [ExtString.String]
Returns a string containing one given character.
of_float [ExtString.String]
Returns the string representation of an float.
of_int [ExtString.String]
Returns the string representation of an int.
open_log_file [Log]
Open a log file
open_temp_file [Path.A]

partition [ExtSSet.S]
partition [ExtList.List]
peek [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
perform_test [OUnit]
Perform the test, allows you to build your own test runner
pop [PrioQueues.S]
pop [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
prefix [HiddenInts.S]
push [PrioQueues.S]
push [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]

quote [String_of]
Some funny quoting ;) *g*
quote' [String_of]
Some other funny quoting ;) *g*

rchop [ExtString.String]
Returns the same string but without the last character.
rcontains_from [ExtString.String]
remove [OwnMap.S]
remove x m returns a map containing the same bindings as m, except for x which is unbound in the returned map.
remove [ExtSSetImp.S]
remove [ExtSSet.S]
remove [ExtList.List]
remove elm set returns the set that do not contain elm.
remove_assoc [ExtList.List]
remove_assq [ExtList.List]
remove_prefix [Path.A]
remove_prefix [Path.R]
remove_prefix_list [Path.A]
replace [ExtString.String]
replace ~str ~sub ~by returns a tuple constisting of a boolean and a string where the first occurrence of the string sub within str has been replaced by the string by.
replace_chars [ExtString.String]
replace_chars f s returns a string where all chars c of s have been replaced by the string returned by f c.
replicate [ExtUtils.Utils]
replicate x a returns a;a;...;a, where the length of the list is x.
reset [HiddenInts.HI]
restrict [OwnMap.S]
restrict kl m returns a new map, from which all bindings x from m are removed, if they are not part of the key list kl.
rev [ExtList.List]
rev_append [ExtList.List]
rev_map [ExtList.List]
rev_map2 [ExtList.List]
rindex [ExtString.String]
rindex_from [ExtString.String]
run_test_tt [OUnit]
A simple text based test runner.
run_test_tt_main [OUnit]
Main version of the text based test runner.
run_tests [Test]
Runs all tests if None is given.

select [ExtList.List]
select pred l returns a pair containing as the first component the longest prefix p of l, such that all elements of p satisfies pred.
sep [OwnMap.Custom]
sep [HistoryMap.Custom]
sep [ExtSSet.OrderedType]
sep [ExtSMap.OrderedType]
String that is used to seperate the different mapping contents.
set [ExtString.String]
set_level [Log]
singleton [ExtSSetImp.S]
singleton [ExtSSet.S]
slice [ExtString.String]
slice ?first ?last s returns a "slice" of the string which corresponds to the characters s.[first], s.[first+1], ..., s[last-1].
sort [ExtList.List]
split [ExtString.String]
split s sep splits the string s between the first occurrence of sep.
split [ExtSSet.S]
split [ExtList.List]
stable_sort [ExtList.List]
starts_with [ExtString.String]
starts_with s x return true if s is starting with x.
string_of [PrioQueues.ORD]
string_of [PrioQueues.S]
string_of [Path.A]
string_of [Path.R]
string_of [Path]
returns the string of a path
string_of [OwnMap.StringOf]
string_of [OwnMap.S_Str]
string_of [HistoryMap.StringOf]
string_of [HistoryMap.S_Str]
string_of [HiddenInts.HI]
string_of [ExtSQueue.Queue]
returns the string representation of a queue.
string_of [ExtSSetImp.S]
string_of [ExtSSet.OrderedType]
string_of [ExtSSet.S]
string_of [ExtSMap.OrderedType]
A function that prints the values of type t
string_of [ExtSMap.S]
string_of f m converts the map m into a string using f as a conversion function of the images.
string_of_array [String_of]
Returns a string representation of an array
string_of_complex [ExtSSetImp.S]
string_of_complex [ExtSSet.S]
string_of_level [Log]
Converts level into string.
string_of_list [String_of]
Returns a string representation of a list
string_of_list_complex [String_of]
Returns a string representation of a list, using the additional string parameters for adapt the output
string_of_node [OUnit]
Make a string from a node
string_of_option [String_of]
Returns a string representation of an option
string_of_pair [String_of]
Returns a string representation of a tuple
string_of_path [OUnit]
Make a string from a path.
strip [ExtString.String]
Returns the string without the chars if they are at the beginning or at the end of the string.
sub [ExtString.String]
subset [ExtSSetImp.S]
subset [ExtSSet.S]
subset [ExtList.List]
returns true if the first list is a subset of the second one.

take [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
take [ExtList.List]
Gets the first n-th arguments of an list
test_case_count [OUnit]
Returns the number of available test cases
test_case_paths [OUnit]
Returns a list with paths of the test
test_program [Test]
tl [ExtList.List]
to_abs [Path]
to_float [ExtString.String]
Returns the float represented by the given string or raises Invalid_string if the string does not represent a float.
to_int [ExtString.String]
Returns the integer represented by the given string or raises Invalid_string if the string does not represent an integer.
to_list [OwnMap.S]
returns the hole map as list of key,img tuples
to_list_all [HistoryMap.S]
to_list_all m behaves like to_list m, except that also the hidden bindings are part of the result list.
toggle_level [Log]
top [PrioQueues.S]
top [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]
transfer [ExtSQueue.QUEUE]

uncapitalize [ExtString.String]
union [ExtSSet.S]
union [ExtList.List]
If these two lists are sets, the result is a set that contains all elements of the two given sets.
uppercase [ExtString.String]

warn [Log]
Warning log
with_level [Log]
run a function and sets for this function the log level to the given one.