open OwnMap open ExtList open ExtUtils module type S = sig include OwnMap.S val iter_all : ?rev:bool -> (key -> img -> unit) -> t -> unit val map_all : ?rev:bool -> (img -> img) -> t -> t val mapi_all : ?rev:bool -> (key -> img -> img) -> t -> t val fold_all : ?rev:bool -> (key -> img -> 'b -> 'b) -> t -> 'b -> 'b val to_list_all : ?rev:bool -> t -> (key * img) list val compare_all : t -> t -> int val equal_all : t -> t -> bool end module type StringOf = sig type t val string_of : t -> string end module type Custom = sig val sep : string val mapto : string end module type S_Str = sig include S val string_of : t -> string end module Make : functor (Key : OrderedType) -> functor (Img : OrderedType) -> S with type key = Key.t and type img = Img.t = functor (Key : OrderedType) -> functor (Img : OrderedType) -> struct module ImgList = struct type t = Img.t list let compare = end module OM = OwnMap.Make(Key)(ImgList) type img = Img.t type key = OM.key type t = OM.t let empty = OM.empty let is_empty = OM.is_empty let add key img map = match OM.find' key map with | None -> OM.add key [img] map | Some el -> OM.add key (img :: el) map let add' key img map = match img with | None -> map | Some img -> add key img map let find key map = let imgl = OM.find key map in match imgl with | [] -> raise Not_found | i :: _ -> i let find' key map = try Some (find key map) with Not_found -> None let remove key map = match OM.find' key map with | None -> map | Some [] -> OM.remove key map | Some ([i]) -> OM.remove key map | Some (i :: imgl) -> OM.add key imgl map let mem key map = match find' key map with | None -> false | Some _ -> true let iter f map = OM.iter (fun key -> function | [] -> () | e :: _ -> f key e ) map let map f map = (function | [] -> [] | e :: el -> f e :: el ) map let mapi f map = OM.mapi (fun key -> function | [] -> [] | e :: el -> f key e :: el ) map let fold f m a = OM.fold (fun key imgl a -> match imgl with | [] -> a | e :: _ -> f key e a ) m a let to_list map = fold (fun k v l -> (k,v) :: l) map [] let compare m1 m2 = let l1 = to_list m1 in let l2 = to_list m2 in (Utils.compare_2_tup (, l1 l2 let equal m1 m2 = compare m1 m2 == 0 let iter_all ?(rev = true) f map = OM.iter (fun key imgl -> List.iter (f key) (if rev then (List.rev imgl) else imgl)) map let map_all ?(rev = true) f map = (fun imgl -> f (if rev then (List.rev imgl) else imgl)) map let mapi_all ?(rev = true) f map = OM.mapi (fun key imgl -> (f key) (if rev then (List.rev imgl) else imgl)) map let fold_all ?(rev = true) f m a = OM.fold (fun key imgl a -> List.fold_left (fun a img -> f key img a) a (if rev then (List.rev imgl) else imgl)) m a let compare_all = let equal_all = OM.equal let rec add_list el map = match el with [] -> map | (k,v) :: xs -> add_list xs (add k v map) let from_list el = add_list el empty let to_list_all ?(rev = true) set = fold_all ~rev: rev (fun k v l -> (k,v) :: l) set [] let domain = OM.domain let fold_two f a m1 m2 = let d1 = domain m1 in let d2 = domain m2 in let d = List.union d1 d2 in List.fold_left (fun a key -> let img1o = find' key m1 in let img2o = find' key m2 in f key img1o img2o a ) a d let map_to_list f m = fold (fun k v l -> f k v :: l) m [] let mapi_and_map_to_list f m = let l = ref [] in let new_map = OM.mapi (fun key imgl -> match imgl with | [] -> [] | img :: imgl -> let img,a = f key img in l := a :: !l; img :: imgl ) m in new_map, !l let restrict = OM.restrict end module AddString : functor (KeyS: StringOf) -> functor (ImgS: StringOf) -> functor (SCustom: Custom) -> functor (Map: S with type img = ImgS.t and type key = KeyS.t) -> S_Str with type key = Map.key and type img = Map.img = functor (KeyS: StringOf) -> functor (ImgS: StringOf) -> functor (SCustom: Custom) -> functor (Map: S with type img = ImgS.t and type key = KeyS.t) -> struct include Map let string_of map = String.concat SCustom.sep ( (fun (k,v) -> (KeyS.string_of k) ^ SCustom.mapto ^ (ImgS.string_of v) ) (to_list map) ) end module AddS : functor (KeyS: StringOf) -> functor (ImgS: StringOf) -> functor (Map: S with type img = ImgS.t and type key = KeyS.t) -> S_Str with type key = Map.key and type img = Map.img = functor (KeyS: StringOf) -> functor (ImgS: StringOf) -> functor (Map: S with type img = ImgS.t and type key = KeyS.t) -> struct include AddString(KeyS)(ImgS)(struct let sep = "," let mapto = "->" end)(Map) end module HMapTest = struct open Test module HMapSS = Make(String)(String) let m = HMapSS.empty let cmp_s = (fun s1 s2 -> s1 s2 == 0) let t1 () = let m = HMapSS.add "x" "i1" m in let i1 = HMapSS.find "x" m in let m = HMapSS.add "x" "i2" m in let i2 = HMapSS.find "x" m in let m = HMapSS.remove "x" m in let i1' = HMapSS.find "x" m in assert_equal ~cmp: cmp_s ~printer: (fun s -> s) "i1" i1; assert_equal ~cmp: cmp_s ~printer: (fun s -> s) "i1" i1'; assert_equal ~cmp: cmp_s ~printer: (fun s-> s) "i2" i2 let t2 () = let m = HMapSS.add "x" "xi1" m in let m = HMapSS.add "y" "yi1" m in let m = HMapSS.add "x" "xi2" m in let m = HMapSS.add "z" "zi1" m in let l = HMapSS.to_list m in let l_all = HMapSS.to_list_all m in let l_all_r = HMapSS.to_list_all ~rev:false m in let s = String_of.string_of_list_complex ~sep:";" ~start_char: "[" ~end_char: "]" (fun (s1,s2) -> "(" ^ s1 ^ "," ^ s2 ^ ")") l in let s_all = String_of.string_of_list_complex ~sep:";" ~start_char: "[" ~end_char: "]" (fun (s1,s2) -> "(" ^ s1 ^ "," ^ s2 ^ ")") l_all in let s_all_r = String_of.string_of_list_complex ~sep:";" ~start_char: "[" ~end_char: "]" (fun (s1,s2) -> "(" ^ s1 ^ "," ^ s2 ^ ")") l_all_r in assert_equal ~cmp: cmp_s ~printer: (fun s -> s) "[(z,zi1);(y,yi1);(x,xi2)]" s; assert_equal ~cmp: cmp_s ~printer: (fun s -> s) "[(z,zi1);(y,yi1);(x,xi2);(x,xi1)]" s_all; assert_equal ~cmp: cmp_s ~printer: (fun s -> s) "[(z,zi1);(y,yi1);(x,xi1);(x,xi2)]" s_all_r (* TODO: TEST the functions: iter_all, map_all, mapi_all, fold_all, compare_all, equal_all *) let _ = install_tests "HistoryMap" (fun _ -> [("remove test", t1); ("to_list", t2)]) end