open ExtSQueue module type ORD = sig include Map.OrderedType val string_of : t -> string end module type S = sig type 'a t type key exception Empty val create : unit -> 'a t val clear : 'a t -> unit val is_empty : 'a t -> bool val top : 'a t -> 'a val pop : 'a t -> 'a val push : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> unit val string_of : ('a -> string) -> 'a t -> string end module Make : functor (Ord: ORD) -> S with type key = Ord.t = functor(Ord: ORD) -> struct open ExtSQueue type key = Ord.t type 'a t = (key * 'a Queue.t) list ref exception Empty let create () = ref [] let clear q = q := [] let is_empty pq = match !pq with | [] -> true | _ -> false let push key data pq = let rec aux acc = function | [] -> let q = Queue.create () in let _ = Queue.add data q in List.rev ((key,q) :: acc) | ((hkey,hq) :: t) as l -> let c = hkey key in if (c == 0) then begin Queue.add data hq; List.rev_append acc l end else begin if (c > 0) then begin let q = Queue.create () in let _ = Queue.add data q in List.rev_append acc ((key,q) :: l) end else begin aux ((hkey,hq) :: acc) t end end in let pq_new = aux [] !pq in pq := pq_new let top pq = match !pq with | [] -> raise Empty | (min,q) :: _ -> q let pop pq = match !pq with | [] -> raise Empty | (min,q) :: ql -> let e = Queue.pop q in if Queue.is_empty q then pq := ql; e let string_of str pq = String.concat ";\n" ( (fun (min,q) -> let mins = Ord.string_of min in let qs = Queue.string_of str q in mins^":"^qs) !pq) end module PrioQueuesTest = struct open Test open ExtUtils module PQ = Make( struct type t = int let compare = (-) let string_of = string_of_int end) let init_tests () = let assert_string s1 s2 = assert_equal ~cmp:(Utils.compare_to_equal ~printer:(fun s -> s) s1 s2 in let assert_int i1 i2 = assert_equal ~cmp:(Utils.compare_to_equal (-)) ~printer:string_of_int i1 i2 in let t1 () = let q = PQ.create () in assert_equal (PQ.is_empty q) true; assert_string "" (PQ.string_of string_of_int q); (try let _ = PQ.pop q in () with e -> begin match e with | PQ.Empty -> () | _ -> assert_failure "Pop should throw an Empty error"; end); let _ = PQ.push 3 5 q in assert_string "3:[5]" (PQ.string_of string_of_int q); let _ = PQ.push 5 9 q in assert_string "3:[5];\n5:[9]" (PQ.string_of string_of_int q); let _ = PQ.push 3 8 q in assert_string "3:[8;5];\n5:[9]" (PQ.string_of string_of_int q); let t1 = q in let t2 = PQ.pop q in let t3 = PQ.pop q in let t4 = PQ.pop q in assert_equal 5 t1; assert_equal 5 t2; assert_equal 8 t3; assert_equal 9 t4; in let t2 () = let q = PQ.create () in PQ.push 2 5 q; PQ.push 2 8 q; PQ.push 2 3 q; PQ.push 5 1 q; let t1 = PQ.pop q in let t2 = PQ.pop q in PQ.push 2 9 q; PQ.push 4 7 q; PQ.push 8 2 q; assert_string "2:[9;3];\n4:[7];\n5:[1];\n8:[2]" (PQ.string_of string_of_int q); let t3 = PQ.pop q in let t4 = PQ.pop q in let t5 = PQ.pop q in let t6 = PQ.pop q in let t7 = PQ.pop q in assert_int 5 t1; assert_int 8 t2; assert_int 3 t3; assert_int 9 t4; assert_int 7 t5; assert_int 1 t6; assert_int 2 t7 in [("init test, push, pop, is_empty", t1); ("push, pop test", t2); ] let _ = install_tests "PrioQueues" init_tests end