open Driver open Inf open OUnit open ProglangUtils open ExtUtils open Vars open Location open ExtString open ExtList open Test include TestUtils.Make( struct let reset () = Location.reset_all (); Vars.reset (); Const.reset (); GEnv.reset (); end) module Tests = struct open Gen let init_tests () = let varss () = let tvarss = Vars.TVar.string_of_with_img (Vars.TVar.get_all_ts ()) in let pvars = Vars.PrVar.string_of_with_img (Vars.PrVar.get_all_ts ()) in let lsvars = Vars.LSVar.string_of_with_img (Vars.LSVar.get_all_ts ()) in let levs = Vars.LEVar.string_of_with_img (Vars.LEVar.get_all_ts ()) in let otvs = Vars.OTVar.string_of_with_img (Vars.OTVar.get_all_ts ()) in pvars @ tvarss @ lsvars @ levs @ otvs in let assert_string s1 s2 = assert_equal ~cmp:(Utils.compare_to_equal ~printer:(fun x -> x) s1 s2 in (* let assert_string_n s1 s2 = assert_string ("\n" ^ s1 ^ "\n") ("\n" ^ s2 ^ "\n") in *) let create_new_lset anz = let ll = (Utils.apply' ()) (Utils.replicate anz Loc.create) in ll in let assert_const c1 c2 = let c1l = String.nsplit c1 "; " in let c2l = String.nsplit c2 "; " in let cmp = List.compare_ignore_order ~equal:(Utils.compare_to_equal in assert_equal ~cmp:cmp ~printer:(fun sl -> String.concat "; " ( (fun s -> "'"^s^"'") sl)) c1l c2l in let t1 () = let s = "let x = new in let y = x in let z = y.a := 5 in x.a" in let l = Lexing.from_string s in let {Gen.typevar = tv},cs = solve (fun p -> p.r, l in assert_string "tv_9:int <" (TVar.string_of_with_img tv); assert_string ("le_1 = le_0[l0 -> {}]; {} s mu_5; mu_3 s mu_1; mu_5 s mu_1; mu_8 s mu_5; " ^"mu_9 s {}; mu_9 s mu_8; mu_11 s {}; mu_11 s mu_8; int = tv_7; " ^"tv_1 = obj(@{l0}); tv_5 = undefined; tv_6 = obj(pv_0mu_10); " ^"tv_10 = obj(pv_1mu_12); le_1 |-w tv_6.a = tv_8 => le_2; " ^"le_0 :=#{l0} le_0; le_0 :=#mu_0 le_0; le_1 :=#mu_4 le_1; " ^"le_1 :=#mu_7 le_1; tv_0 :=#mu_4 tv_0; tv_0 :=#mu_7 tv_0; " ^"tv_2 :=#mu_7 tv_2; tv_0 <: tv_3; tv_0 <: tv_10; tv_1 <: tv_0; " ^"tv_2 <: tv_6; tv_3 <: tv_2; tv_5 <: tv_4; tv_7 <: tv_8; " ^"l0 EX mu_2; mu_0 d mu_2; mu_0 d mu_3; mu_4 d {}; mu_4 d mu_6; " ^"mu_7 d mu_6; mu_7 d mu_9; l0 IN mu_3; " ^"le_2 |-r pv_1 mu_12.a : tv_9") cs in let t2 () = let s = "let x = new in let y = x in let z = y.a := 5 in let w = x.a := undefined in y.a" in assert_string "" (String.concat "; " (varss ())); let l = Lexing.from_string s in let {Gen.typevar = tv},cs = solve (fun p -> p.r, l in assert_string ("pv_3:= @; pv_2:= @; pv_1:= @; pv_0:= @; " ^"tv_15:= obj(@{l0}); tv_14:undefined <; tv_13:undefined <; " ^"tv_12:= undefined; tv_11:= obj(@{l0}); tv_10:= undefined; " ^"tv_9:undefined <; tv_8:int <; tv_7:= int; tv_6:= obj(@{l0}); " ^"tv_5:= undefined; tv_4:undefined <; " ^"tv_3:= obj(@{l0}); tv_2:= obj(@{l0}); tv_1:= obj(@{l0}); " ^"tv_0:= obj(@{l0}); " ^"mu_19:l0 < l0; mu_18:l0 < l0; mu_17:l0 < l0; mu_16:< ; " ^"mu_15:l0 < l0; mu_14:< ; mu_13:l0 < l0; mu_12:< l0; mu_11:< ; " ^"mu_10:l0 < l0; mu_9:< ; mu_8:< l0; mu_7:< ; mu_6:l0 < l0; " ^"mu_5: < l0; mu_4:< ; mu_3:l0 < l0; mu_2:< ; mu_1:l0 < l0; " ^"mu_0:< ; le_3: l0 : ov_2 (mu_19:l0 < l0); " ^"le_2: l0 : ov_1 (mu_13:l0 < l0); " ^"le_1: l0 : ov_0 (mu_6:l0 < l0); " ^"le_0: (mu_2:< ); ov_2: a : tv_13; ov_1: a : tv_8; ov_0: ") (String.concat "; " (varss ())); assert_string "tv_14:undefined <" (TVar.string_of_with_img tv) in let t3 () = let s = ( "M_[l0] let x = new_l0 in let f = x.a := 42 in " ^"M_[l0] let y = new_l0 in let f = y.a := undefined in " ^"M_[l0] let z = new_l0 in let f = z.a := 20 in x.a") in let l = Lexing.from_string s in let s = parse (fun e s -> s) l in assert_string ("M[l0](let x = new_l0 in\n" ^"let f = x.a = 42 in\n" ^"M[l0](let y = new_l0 in\n" ^"let f = y.a = undefined in\n" ^"M[l0](let z = new_l0 in\n" ^"let f = z.a = 20 in\n" ^" x.a)))") s in let t4 () = (* let s = "M_[l0] let x = new_l0 in let f = x.a := 42 in x.a" in *) let s = "M_[l0] let x = new_l0 in undef" in let l = Lexing.from_string s in let sc, {Gen.typevar = tv } = solve (fun p ->, p.r) l in assert_string ("le_2 = le_1[l0 -> {}]; le_0, obj(@{l0}) <| obj(~{l0}); " ^"{} s mu_2; mu_2 s {l0}; mu_3 s mu_2; " ^"undefined = tv_2; tv_1 = obj(@{l0}); " ^"le_1 :=#{l0} le_1; le_1 :=#{l0}{l0} le_0; le_1 :=#mu_1 le_1; " ^"tv_1 <: tv_0; tv_2 <: tv_3; l0 EX mu_0; {l0} d mu_0; " ^"mu_1 d mu_0; mu_1 d mu_3; l0 IN mu_3") sc; assert_string "tv_3:undefined <" (TVar.string_of_with_img tv); assert_string ("tv_3:undefined <; tv_2:= undefined; tv_1:= obj(@{l0}); " ^"tv_0:obj(@{l0}) <; mu_5:< l0; " ^"mu_4:l0 < l0; mu_3:l0 < l0; mu_2:l0 < l0; mu_1:< ; " ^"mu_0:< ; le_2: l0 : ov_0 (mu_4:l0 < l0); " ^"le_1: (mu_0:< ); le_0: (mu_5:< l0); ov_0: ") (String.concat "; " (varss ())); () in let t4_a () = let s = "M_[l0] let x = new_l0 in let f = x.a := 42 in x.a" in let l = Lexing.from_string s in let sc, {Gen.typevar = tv } = solve (fun p ->, p.r) l in assert_string ("le_2 = le_1[l0 -> {}]; le_0, obj(@{l0}) <| obj(~{l0}); " ^"mu_2 s {l0}; mu_3 s mu_2; mu_5 s mu_2; mu_7 s {}; mu_7 s mu_5; " ^"mu_9 s {}; mu_9 s mu_5; int = tv_5; tv_1 = obj(@{l0}); " ^"tv_3 = undefined; tv_4 = obj(pv_0mu_8); tv_8 = obj(pv_1mu_10); " ^"le_2 |-w tv_4.a = tv_6 => le_3; le_1 :=#{l0} le_1; " ^"le_1 :=#{l0}{l0} le_0; le_1 :=#mu_1 le_1; le_2 :=#mu_4 le_2; " ^"tv_0 :=#mu_4 tv_0; tv_0 <: tv_4; tv_0 <: tv_8; tv_1 <: tv_0; " ^"tv_3 <: tv_2; tv_5 <: tv_6; l0 EX mu_0; {l0} d mu_0; " ^"mu_1 d mu_0; mu_1 d mu_3; mu_4 d mu_6; mu_4 d mu_7; l0 IN mu_3; " ^"le_3 |-r pv_1 mu_10.a : tv_7") sc; assert_string "tv_7:int <" (TVar.string_of_with_img tv); assert_string ("pv_2:= @; pv_1:= @; pv_0:= @; " ^"tv_8:= obj(@{l0}); tv_7:int <; tv_6:int <; tv_5:= int; " ^"tv_4:= obj(@{l0}); tv_3:= undefined; tv_2:undefined <; " ^"tv_1:= obj(@{l0}); tv_0:= obj(@{l0}); " ^"mu_13:l0 < l0; mu_12:< l0; " ^"mu_11:l0 < l0; mu_10:l0 < l0; mu_9:< ; " ^"mu_8:l0 < l0; mu_7:< ; mu_6:l0 < l0; mu_5:< l0; mu_4:< ; " ^"mu_3:l0 < l0; mu_2:l0 < l0; mu_1:< ; mu_0:< ; " ^"le_3: l0 : ov_1 (mu_13:l0 < l0); " ^"le_2: l0 : ov_0 (mu_6:l0 < l0); le_1: (mu_0:< ); " ^"le_0: (mu_12:< l0); ov_1: a : tv_6; ov_0: ") (String.concat "; " (varss ())); () in let t4_b () = let s = "let x = new_l0 in let f = x.a := 42 in x.a" in let l = Lexing.from_string s in let sc, {Gen.typevar = tv } = solve (fun p ->, p.r) l in assert_string "tv_7:int <" (TVar.string_of_with_img tv); assert_string ("le_1 = le_0[l0 -> {}]; pv_2 <: pv_0; pv_2 <: pv_1; " ^"mu_3 s mu_1; mu_5 s mu_1; mu_7 s mu_5; mu_9 s mu_5; " ^"mu_11 s mu_8; mu_11 s mu_10; le_1 |-w tv_4.a = tv_6 => le_2; " ^"le_0 :=#{l0} le_0; le_0 :=#mu_0 le_0; le_1 :=#mu_4 le_1; " ^"ov_0 :=#mu_4 ov_0; tv_0 :=#mu_4 tv_0; tv_0 <: tv_4; tv_0 <: tv_8; " ^"tv_1 <: tv_0; tv_3 <: tv_2; tv_5 <: tv_6; tv_6 <: tv_7; mu_0 d mu_2; " ^"mu_0 d mu_3; mu_4 d mu_6; mu_4 d mu_7; " ^"le_2 |-r pv_1 mu_10.a : tv_7") (Const.string_of ()); assert_string ("le_1 = le_0[l0 -> {}]; mu_3 s mu_1; mu_5 s mu_1; mu_7 s {}; " ^"mu_7 s mu_5; mu_9 s {}; mu_9 s mu_5; int = tv_5; " ^"tv_1 = obj(@{l0}); tv_3 = undefined; tv_4 = obj(pv_0mu_8); " ^"tv_8 = obj(pv_1mu_10); le_1 |-w tv_4.a = tv_6 => le_2; " ^"le_0 :=#{l0} le_0; le_0 :=#mu_0 le_0; le_1 :=#mu_4 le_1; " ^"tv_0 :=#mu_4 tv_0; tv_0 <: tv_4; tv_0 <: tv_8; tv_1 <: tv_0; " ^"tv_3 <: tv_2; tv_5 <: tv_6; l0 EX mu_2; mu_0 d mu_2; " ^"mu_0 d mu_3; mu_4 d mu_6; mu_4 d mu_7; l0 IN mu_3; " ^"le_2 |-r pv_1 mu_10.a : tv_7") sc; assert_string ("pv_2:= @; pv_1:= @; pv_0:= @; tv_8:= obj(@{l0}); " ^"tv_7:int <; tv_6:int <; tv_5:= int; tv_4:= obj(@{l0}); " ^"tv_3:= undefined; tv_2:undefined <; tv_1:= obj(@{l0}); " ^"tv_0:= obj(@{l0}); " ^"mu_12:l0 < l0; mu_11:l0 < l0; mu_10:l0 < l0; " ^"mu_9:< ; mu_8:l0 < l0; mu_7:< ; mu_6:l0 < l0; mu_5:< l0; " ^"mu_4:< ; mu_3:l0 < l0; mu_2:< ; mu_1:l0 < l0; mu_0:< ; " ^"le_2: l0 : ov_1 (mu_12:l0 < l0); " ^"le_1: l0 : ov_0 (mu_6:l0 < l0); le_0: (mu_2:< ); " ^"ov_1: a : tv_6; ov_0: ") (String.concat "; " (varss ())); () in let t5 () = let s = ( "M_[l0] let x = new_l0 in let f = x.a := 42 in " ^"M_[l0] let y = new_l0 in let f = y.a := undefined in " ^"M_[l0] let z = new_l0 in let f = z.a := 20 in z.a") in let l = Lexing.from_string s in let sc, {Gen.typevar = tv } = solve (fun p ->, p.r) l in assert_string "tv_26:int <" (TVar.string_of_with_img tv); (* assert_string *) (* "" *) (* (String.concat "; " (varss ())); *) (* assert_string *) (* "" *) (* sc; *) (* assert_string *) (* "" *) (* (Const.string_of ()); *) () in let t6 () = let s = ( "M_[l0] let x = new_l0 in let f = x.a := 42 in " ^"M_[l0] let y = new_l0 in let f = y.a := undefined in " ^"M_[l0] let z = new_l0 in let f = z.a := 20 in x.a") in let l = Lexing.from_string s in let sc,{Gen.typevar = tv } = solve (fun p ->,p.r) l in (* assert_string *) (* "" *) (* (String.concat "; " (varss ())); *) (* assert_string *) (* "" *) (* sc; *) (* assert_string *) (* "" *) (* (Const.string_of ()); *) assert_string "l0->ov_6: a : tv_26" (GEnv.string_of ()); assert_string "tv_26:T <" (TVar.string_of_with_img tv); () in let t7 () = let s = ("M_[l0] let x = new_l0 in let z = x.a := 42 in " ^"let f = \\(u1,u2).x.a in " ^"M_[l0] let y = new_l0 in " ^"M_[l0] let z = f (0) in z") in let l = Lexing.from_string s in let s = parse (fun e s -> s) l in assert_string ("M[l0](let x = new_l0 in\n" ^"let z = x.a = 42 in\n" ^"let f = (\u1,u2.x.a) in\n" ^"M[l0](let y = new_l0 in\n" ^"M[l0](let z = f(0) in\n" ^" z)))") s; () in let t8 () = let s = ("M_[l0] let x = new_l0 in let z = x.a := 42 in " ^"let f = \\(u1,u2).x.a in f(0)") in let l = Lexing.from_string s in let sc, {Gen.typevar = tv } = solve (fun p ->, p.r) l in assert_string "false" (Const.string_of ()); () in let t8_a () = let s = ("M_[l0] let x = new_l0 in let z = x.a := 42 in " ^"let f = \\(u1,u2).x.a in M_[l0] f(0)") in let l = Lexing.from_string s in let sc, {Gen.typevar = tv } = solve (fun p ->, p.r) l in assert_string "tv_18[32]:int <" (TVar.string_of_with_img tv); (* assert_string *) (* "" *) (* (String.concat "; " (varss ())); *) (* assert_string *) (* "" *) (* sc; *) (* assert_string *) (* "true" *) (* (Const.string_of ()); *) (* assert_string *) (* "l0->ov_2: a : tv_26" *) (* (GEnv.string_of ()); *) () in wrap_list ["complete solve test, alias", t1; "complete solve test, alias, second", t2; "parse test, mask and new with abstract labels", t3; "complete solve test, mask and new with abstract labels", t4; "complete solve test, mask and new with abstract labels, a", t4_a; "complete solve test, mask and new with abstract labels, b", t4_b; "complete solve test, mask and new with abstract labels, c", t5; "complete solve test, mask and new with abstract labels, d", t6; "parse test, lambda test", t7; "complete solve test, lambda test, reject", t8; "complete solve test, lambda test, success", t8_a; ] let _ = install_tests "GTest" (wrap_reset init_tests) end