open ProglangUtils open Graph open Location open ProgLabel (* Shortcuts for types *) type var = Syntax.var type e = Syntax.e type plab = Syntax.plab type loc = Loc.t type label = Syntax.label (* Abstract Values as in the paper *) module Val : sig type elem val create_loc : loc -> elem val create_lam : var -> var -> e -> elem type set val empty : set val mem : elem -> set -> bool val add : elem -> set -> set val is_empty : set -> bool val union : set -> set -> set * bool val iter_lam : (var -> var -> e -> unit) list -> set -> unit val iter_loc : (loc -> unit) list -> set -> unit val string_of : set -> string end = struct type afun = Syntax.var * Syntax.var * Syntax.e type elem = Fun of afun | Location of Loc.t let create_loc l = Location l let create_lam v1 v2 e = Fun (v1,v2,e) module ValSetLam = ExtSSet.Make( struct type t = afun let compare v1 v2 = v1 v2 let string_of (v1,v2,e) = Syntax.string_of_lam_with_plabs v1 v2 e let sep = "," end) module ValSetLoc = ExtSSet.Make( struct type t = Loc.t let compare = let string_of = Loc.string_of let sep = "," end ) type set = ValSetLam.t * ValSetLoc.t let cardinal (s1,s2) = ValSetLam.cardinal s1 + ValSetLoc.cardinal s2 let empty = ValSetLam.empty, ValSetLoc.empty let mem e (slam,sloc) = match e with Fun afun -> ValSetLam.mem afun slam | Location l -> ValSetLoc.mem l sloc let add = function Fun afun -> (fun (slam,sloc) -> ValSetLam.add afun slam, sloc) | Location l -> (fun (slam,sloc) -> slam, ValSetLoc.add l sloc) let is_empty (s1,s2) = ValSetLam.is_empty s1 && ValSetLoc.is_empty s2 let union s1 s2 = let anz = cardinal s2 in let ns = ValSetLam.union (fst s1) (fst s2), ValSetLoc.union (snd s1) (snd s2) in let nanz = cardinal ns in ns, nanz > anz let rec iter_lam = function | [] -> (fun s -> ()) | f :: fs -> (fun s -> ValSetLam.iter (fun (v1,v2,e) -> f v1 v2 e) (fst s); iter_lam fs s ) let rec iter_loc = function | [] -> (fun s -> ()) | f :: fs -> (fun s -> ValSetLoc.iter f (snd s); iter_loc fs s) let string_of (s1,s2) = let sep = if ((not (ValSetLam.is_empty s1)) && (not (ValSetLoc.is_empty s2))) then "," else "" in ValSetLam.string_of s1 ^ sep ^ ValSetLoc.string_of s2 (* Test Unit *) module ValTest = struct open Test let t1 () = let _ = Loc.reset () in let e = empty in let e = add (create_loc (Loc.create_new ())) e in let e = add (create_loc (Loc.create_new ())) e in let l3 = Loc.create_new () in let e = add (create_loc l3) e in let e = add (create_loc (Loc.create_new ())) e in let e = add (create_loc l3) e in let f = create_lam (Syntax.create_var "y") (Syntax.create_var "x") (Syntax.e_sexp (Syntax.s_new ())) in let g = create_lam (Syntax.create_var "y") (Syntax.create_var "x") (Syntax.e_sexp (Syntax.s_new ())) in let e = add f e in let e = add g e in let e = add f e in let es_exp = "(\\y,x.new_l4p12),(\\y,x.new_l5p13),l0,l1,l2,l3" in let es = string_of e in assert_equal ~cmp:(=) ~printer:(fun s -> s) es_exp es let _ = install_tests "locApp.Val" [("Test 1", t1)] end end (* Nodes of the graph *) module Node : sig type t val make_env : var -> t val make_cache : plab -> t val make_heap : loc -> label -> t val compare : t -> t -> int val equal : t -> t -> bool val hash : t -> int val string_of : t -> string end = struct type t = | AbsEnv of var | AbsCa of plab | AbsH of loc * label let make_env v = AbsEnv v let make_cache l = AbsCa l let make_heap loc lab = AbsH (loc,lab) let compare = let equal n1 n2 = (compare n1 n2 == 0) let hash = Hashtbl.hash let string_of = function | AbsEnv v -> "r("^(Syntax.string_of_var v)^")" | AbsCa p -> "C("^(Syntax.string_of_plab p)^")" | AbsH (l,a) -> "H("^(Loc.string_of l)^")("^(Syntax.string_of_label a)^")" end (* Annotations of the graph vertexies *) module Annot : sig type t type fa_lam type fa_loc val create : unit -> t val create_fa_lam : (var -> var -> Syntax.e -> unit) -> fa_lam val create_fa_loc : (loc -> unit) -> fa_loc val val_mem : t -> Val.elem -> bool val add_val : t -> Val.elem -> unit val add_lam : t -> fa_lam -> unit val add_loc : t -> fa_loc -> unit val is_empty : t -> bool val union : t -> t -> bool val run_funs : t -> unit val string_of : t -> string end = struct type fa_lam = var -> var -> Syntax.e -> unit type fa_loc = loc -> unit type t = { absval : Val.set ref; lamfun : fa_lam list ref; locfun : fa_loc list ref; } let create () = { absval = ref Val.empty; lamfun = ref []; locfun = ref [] } let create_fa_lam x = x let create_fa_loc x = x let is_empty {absval = a} = Val.is_empty !a let union {absval = left} {absval = right} = let new_right,changed = Val.union !left !right in right := new_right; changed let run_funs { absval = a; lamfun = lamf; locfun = locf } = Val.iter_lam !lamf !a; Val.iter_loc !locf !a let val_mem {absval = a} e = Val.mem e !a let add_val {absval = a} e = a := Val.add e !a let add_lam {lamfun = l} lam = l := lam :: !l let add_loc {locfun = l} loc = l := loc :: !l let string_of { absval = v; lamfun = laf; locfun = lof} = "{value = "^(Val.string_of !v) ^ "; lamf = " ^(string_of_int (List.length !laf)) ^ "; locf = " ^(string_of_int (List.length !lof)) ^ "}" (* Test Unit *) module ValTest = struct open Test let add_val () = let _ = Loc.reset () in let a = create () in let _ = add_val a (Val.create_loc (Loc.create_new ())) in let _ = add_val a (Val.create_loc (Loc.create_new ())) in let _ = add_lam a (create_fa_lam (fun v1 v2 e -> ())) in let _ = add_lam a (create_fa_lam (fun v1 v2 e -> ())) in let _ = add_loc a (create_fa_loc (fun l -> ())) in let _ = add_loc a (create_fa_loc (fun l -> ())) in let _ = add_loc a (create_fa_loc (fun l -> ())) in let _ = add_loc a (create_fa_loc (fun l -> ())) in "error in add_lam, not the right count of lambdas added to the list." @? (List.length !(a.lamfun) == 2); "error in add_loc, not the right count of lambdas added to the list." @? (List.length !(a.locfun) == 4) let _ = install_tests "locApp.Annot" [("add values", add_val)] end end (* This is the graph, together with a hash table to store the annotations and a worklist to notice which vertexies needs to traverse for solving the constraint system. - add_subset_xy: These methods adds an edge in the graph between x and y, so that x \subseteq y should hold. We add x to the worklist to ensure that this constraint is propergated. - add_to_x: x \in {c,e,h} This is needed to fill the graph with it's initial values and to propergate the abstract values within the graph. We add the node to the worklist if one of this function is called. - add_to_c_lam / add_to_c_loc: This is needed to modell the \forall constrains from the paper. These are functions that are called every time a node is traversed. Here we ensure that every fa_lam function is called for every \lambda \in Annot, and fa_loc for every l \in Annot. If a lam or loc function is added to a node, the node we add it to the worklist. *) module Data : sig type t val create : int -> t (* data *) (* first part *) (*second part*) val add_subset_ec : t -> var -> plab -> unit val add_subset_ce : t -> plab -> var -> unit val add_subset_cc : t -> plab -> plab -> unit val add_subset_hc : t -> loc -> label -> plab -> unit val add_subset_ch : t -> plab -> loc -> label -> unit val add_subset_he : t -> loc -> label -> var -> unit val add_to_c : t -> plab -> Val.elem -> unit val add_to_e : t -> var -> Val.elem -> unit val add_to_h : t -> loc -> label -> Val.elem -> unit val add_to_c_lam : t -> plab -> Annot.fa_lam -> unit val add_to_c_loc : t -> plab -> Annot.fa_loc -> unit val traverse : t -> unit val string_of : t -> string val wl_empty : t -> bool end = struct module G = struct include Graph.Imperative.Digraph.Concrete(Node) let vertex_list g = let vl = ref [] in iter_vertex (fun v -> vl := v :: !vl) (*; print_endline "vertex into list"; ()) *) g; !vl let edge_list g = let el = ref [] in iter_edges (fun v1 v2 -> el := (v1,v2) :: !el) g; !el let string_of g = let vl = vertex_list g in let el = edge_list g in let vs = String.concat ", " ( (fun v -> Node.string_of (V.label v)) vl) in let es = String.concat ", " ( (fun (v1,v2) -> (Node.string_of (V.label v1)) ^ "->" ^ (Node.string_of (V.label v2))) el) in "\nGraph:\n Vertices,"^(string_of_int (List.length vl)) ^" = {"^vs^"};\n Edge,"^(string_of_int (List.length el)) ^" = {" ^ es ^ "}" end module H = struct module HashT = Hashtbl.Make( struct type t = Node.t let equal = (=) let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) type t = Annot.t HashT.t let create = HashT.create let find h node = try HashT.find h node with Not_found -> begin let c = Annot.create () in HashT.add h node c; c end let string_of h = let na_list = HashT.fold (fun n a l -> (n,a) :: l) h [] in let hs = String.concat ";\n" ( (fun (n,a) -> (Node.string_of n) ^ " -> " ^ (Annot.string_of a)) na_list) in "Hashtbl:\n"^hs end type t = { graph: G.t; hashtbl: H.t; worklist: Node.t list ref; } let find {hashtbl = h} = H.find h let create size = { graph = G.create (); hashtbl = H.create size; worklist = ref []; } let add_to_worklist : t -> Node.t -> unit = fun {worklist = w} n -> if (not (List.exists (fun n2 -> n n2 == 0) !w)) then w := n :: !w let add_edge : t -> Node.t -> Node.t -> unit = fun d n1 n2 -> let add_node : t -> Node.t -> G.V.t = fun {graph = g} n -> let vertex = G.V.create n in G.add_vertex g vertex; vertex in let v1 = add_node d n1 in let v2 = add_node d n2 in G.add_edge d.graph v1 v2; add_to_worklist d n1 (* add the given node to the graph and to the hash table the node with assigned value of type eVal *) let add_to_node : t -> Val.elem -> Node.t -> unit = fun d value node -> let a = find d node in (* Is the element already in the set? If it is, we do nothing *) if (not (Annot.val_mem a value)) then begin (* otherwise, we add it and put the node on the working set *) Annot.add_val a value; add_to_worklist d node end let add_to_e g var value = add_to_node g value (Node.make_env var) let add_to_c g plab value = add_to_node g value (Node.make_cache plab) let add_to_h g loc label v = add_to_node g v (Node.make_heap loc label) let add_subset_ec : t -> var -> plab -> unit = fun g v l -> add_edge g (Node.make_env v) (Node.make_cache l) let add_subset_ce : t -> plab -> var -> unit = fun g l v -> add_edge g (Node.make_cache l) (Node.make_env v) let add_subset_cc : t -> plab -> plab -> unit = fun g l1 l2 -> add_edge g (Node.make_cache l1) (Node.make_cache l2) let add_subset_hc : t -> loc -> label -> plab -> unit = fun g l1 a l2 -> add_edge g (Node.make_heap l1 a) (Node.make_cache l2) let add_subset_ch : t -> plab -> loc -> label -> unit = fun g l1 l2 a -> add_edge g (Node.make_cache l1) (Node.make_heap l2 a) let add_subset_he : t -> loc -> label -> var -> unit = fun g l1 a x -> add_edge g (Node.make_heap l1 a) (Node.make_env x) let add_to_c_lam d plab = let n = (Node.make_cache plab) in add_to_worklist d n; Annot.add_lam (find d n) let add_to_c_loc d plab = let n = (Node.make_cache plab) in add_to_worklist d n; Annot.add_loc (find d n) let traverse ({graph = g; hashtbl = h; worklist = wl} as d) = let rec do_union node node_an = function | [] -> () | s :: sl -> if Annot.union node_an (find d s) then add_to_worklist d s; do_union node node_an sl in let do_trav node = let node_an = find d node in if (Annot.is_empty node_an) then (* Annot is empty, nothing to do *) () else begin (* Ok, let's do the work. First propergate all elements to all succesors. Later, call the fun_loc and fun_lam functions *) do_union node node_an (try G.succ g node with _ -> []); Annot.run_funs node_an; end in match !wl with | [] -> () | node :: wlt -> let _ = wl := wlt in do_trav node let string_of_wl wl = let ws = String.concat ", " ( Node.string_of !wl) in "Worklist,"^ (string_of_int (List.length !wl)) ^ ": " ^ ws let wl_empty {worklist = wl} = match !wl with [] -> true | _ -> false let string_of : t -> string = fun {graph = g; hashtbl = h; worklist = wl} -> "{" ^ (G.string_of g)^"\n"^(H.string_of h)^"\n"^(string_of_wl wl)^"}" module TestData = struct open Test let t1 () = let _ = ProgLabel.reset () in let d = create 25 in let pl0 = Syntax.create_plab () in let pl1 = Syntax.create_plab () in let x = (Syntax.create_var "x") in let y = (Syntax.create_var "y") in let _ = add_subset_ec d x pl0 in let _ = add_subset_ec d y pl1 in let _ = add_subset_cc d pl0 pl1 in let _ = add_to_e d x (Val.create_loc (Loc.create_new ())) in let s = string_of d in let s_exp = "{\nGraph:\n Vertices,4 = {C(p1), C(p0), r(y), r(x)};\n" ^" Edge,3 = {C(p0)->C(p1), r(y)->C(p1), r(x)->C(p0)}\n" ^"Hashtbl:\nr(x) -> {value = l2; lamf = 0; locf = 0}\n" ^"Worklist,3: C(p0), r(y), r(x)}" in assert_equal ~cmp:(=) ~printer:(fun s -> s) s_exp s let _ = install_tests "locApp.Data" [("data test 1", t1)] end end let create e = (* first create new empty graph, new empty hash table and new empty work list *) let g = Data.create 25 in (* now create all vertexes and edges and forall constraints of the graph using the add methods. This will initialise the worklist automaticly, so after doing this we only have to start and propergate the locations and lambda throw the graph. *) let rec create_const_v : Syntax.v -> unit = function | Syntax.Var (plab, v) -> Data.add_subset_ec g v plab | Syntax.Lam (plab,y,z,eb) -> Data.add_to_c g plab (Val.create_lam y z eb); create_const_e eb; | _ -> () and create_const_e : Syntax.e -> unit = function | Syntax.SExp s -> create_const_s s | Syntax.Let (plab,_,x,e1,e2) -> Data.add_subset_ce g (Syntax.e_get_plab e1) x; Data.add_subset_cc g (Syntax.e_get_plab e2) plab; create_const_e e1; create_const_e e2; and create_const_s : Syntax.s -> unit = function | Syntax.Val v -> create_const_v v | Syntax.App (l,v1,v2,_,_) -> create_const_v v1; create_const_v v2; let l1 = Syntax.v_get_plab v1 in let l2 = Syntax.v_get_plab v2 in Data.add_to_c_lam g l1 (Annot.create_fa_lam (fun y z e -> Data.add_subset_ce g l2 z; Data.add_subset_cc g (Syntax.e_get_plab e) l )) | Syntax.New (plab,l) -> Data.add_to_c g plab (Val.create_loc l) | Syntax.Read p -> create_const_p p | Syntax.Write (l,p,v2,_) -> create_const_p p; create_const_v v2; let Syntax.Prop (lr,v1,a) = p in let l1 = Syntax.v_get_plab v1 in let l2 = Syntax.v_get_plab v2 in Data.add_to_c_loc g l1 (Annot.create_fa_loc (fun loc -> Data.add_subset_ch g l2 loc a)) | Syntax.MethodCall (l,p,v2,_,_) -> create_const_p p; create_const_v v2; let Syntax.Prop (l1,vo,a) = p in let lo = Syntax.v_get_plab vo in let l2 = Syntax.v_get_plab v2 in Data.add_to_c_lam g l1 (Annot.create_fa_lam (fun y z e -> let l0 = Syntax.e_get_plab e in Data.add_subset_ce g l2 z; Data.add_subset_cc g l0 l; Data.add_subset_ce g lo y; )) and create_const_p : Syntax.p -> unit = function | Syntax.Prop (l,v,a) -> let l1 = Syntax.v_get_plab v in create_const_v v; Data.add_to_c_loc g l1 (Annot.create_fa_loc (fun loc -> Data.add_subset_hc g loc a l )) in create_const_e e; g let do_one_step = Data.traverse let solve d = let rec loop () = let _ = do_one_step d in if (not (Data.wl_empty d)) then loop () else () in loop () module TestCreate = struct open Test open Syntax let t1 () = let _ = ProgLabel.reset () in let _ = Loc.reset () in let x = create_var "x" in let x1 = create_var "x1" in let x2 = create_var "x2" in let y = create_var "y" in let a = create_label "a" in let f = create_label "f" in let xfn = e_sexp (s_mcall (v_var x) f (v_var x)) in let lamb = e_sexp (s_read (v_var x2) a) in let lam = v_lam x1 x2 (lamb) in let eiu1 = e_sexp (s_write (v_var x) f lam) in let li = e_let (create_var "u1") eiu1 xfn in let lm = e_let (create_var "u2") (e_sexp (s_write (v_var x) a (v_var y))) li in let la = e_let x (e_sexp (s_new ())) lm in let e = e_let y (e_sexp (s_val (v_undef ()))) la in let d = create e in let _ = solve d in assert_equal ~cmp:(=) ~printer:string_of_bool true (Data.wl_empty d); assert_equal ~cmp:(=) ~printer:(fun s -> s) "" (Data.string_of d) let _ = install_tests "locApp" [] (* [("create test 1", t1)] *) end