module Canvas where -- For printf import Text.Printf -- A script is just a string type Script = String -- | Example Canvas script: draw some lines, a rectangle and a circle. -- Test it in ghci: writeFile "example.html" (mkPage 200 200 testScript) testScript :: Script testScript = drawLine (0,0) (100,100) ++ drawLine (0, 100) (100, 0) ++ drawRect (0, 0) 100 100 ++ drawCircle (50, 50) 50 -- | Create an html page that displays a Canvas script mkPage :: Double -> -- ^ the width of the canvas to paint on Double -> -- ^ the height of the canvas to paint on Script -> -- ^ The Javascript code to paste into the canvas String -- ^ The resulting html page mkPage w h script = header w h ++ scriptHeader ++ script ++ scriptFooter ++ footer -- | Draw a line on the canvas drawLine :: (Double, Double) -> -- ^ the start coordinates (x,y) (Double, Double) -> -- ^ the end coordinates (x,y) Script drawLine (xFrom, yFrom) (xTo, yTo) = printf "ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(%f,%f); ctx.lineTo(%f,%f); ctx.stroke();" xFrom yFrom xTo yTo -- | Draw a rectangle on the canvas drawRect :: (Double, Double) -> -- ^ coordinates of the upper left corner Double -> -- ^ width of the rectangle Double -> -- ^ height of the rectangle Script drawRect (x, y) w h = printf "ctx.strokeRect(%f, %f, %f, %f);" x y w h -- | Draw a circle on the canvas drawCircle :: (Double, Double) -> -- ^ coordinates of the center Double -> -- ^ the radius Script drawCircle (x, y) r = printf "ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(%f, %f, %f, 0*Math.PI, 2*Math.PI); ctx.stroke();" x y r -- Boring HTML boilerplate: header w h = printf "\ \
\n\ \" w h footer = "" scriptHeader = "\ \"