from turtle import pos from typing import Optional import time Pos = tuple[int,int] Board = dict[Pos,frozenset[int]] def read_board_from_file(filename : str) -> Board: with open (filename, 'r') as bfile: board = dict() empty = frozenset(range(1,10)) row = 1 for line in bfile: for col, x in zip(range(1,10), line): if x in "123456789": board[ (row, col) ] = frozenset({int(x)}) else: board[ (row, col) ] = empty row += 1 return board def print_single(s : frozenset[int]) -> str: if len(s) == 1: return str(next(iter(s))) else: return '-' def print_board(board : Board): for row in range(1,10): line = "" for col in range(1,10): line += print_single(board[(row, col)]) print (line) # copy the dict and all set objects contained in it def copy_board( b: Board) -> Board: r = dict() for (k,v) in b.items(): r[k] = v.copy() # important: copy every set! return r def next_pos (p : Optional[Pos]) -> Optional[Pos]: match p: case None: return (1,1) case (px, py) if px < 9: return (px+1, py) case (px, py) if py < 9: return (1, py+1) return None def update(b: Board, p: Pos, c: int) -> bool: bxy = b[ p ] if c in bxy: bxy = bxy.difference([c]) if bxy: b[ p ] = bxy return True else: return False else: return True def propagate_x(b : Board, p : Pos, c : int) -> bool: (px, py) = p for ix in range(1,10): if px == ix: continue if not update(b, (ix, py), c): return False return True def propagate_y(b : Board, p : Pos, c : int) -> bool: (px, py) = p for iy in range(1,10): if py == iy: continue if not update(b, (px, iy), c): return False return True def propagate_o(b : Board, p : Pos, c : int) -> bool: (px, py) = p qx = (px - 1) // 3 qy = (py - 1) // 3 for ix in range(3 * qx + 1, 3 * qx + 3): for iy in range(3 * qy + 1, 3 * qy + 3): if p == (ix, iy): continue if not update(b, (ix, iy), c): return False return True def try_from(b : Board, p : Optional[Pos] = None): np = next_pos(p) if np is None: print_board(b) return candidates = b[ np ] for c in candidates: next_b = b.copy() next_b[ np ] = frozenset({ c }) if (propagate_x(next_b, np, c) and propagate_y(next_b, np, c) and propagate_o(next_b, np, c)): try_from(next_b, np) def all_positions() -> list[Pos]: return [(x,y) for x in range(1,10) for y in range(1,10)] def solve(b: Board, positions: list[Pos]): sorted_positions = positions.copy() sorted_positions.sort(key= lambda p: len(b[ p ])) try_again = False while sorted_positions: np = sorted_positions[0] if len(b[np]) == 1: c = next(iter(b[np])) # set(b[p]).pop() if not propagate_x(b, np, c): return if not propagate_y(b, np, c): return if not propagate_o(b, np, c): return sorted_positions = sorted_positions[1:] try_again = True elif try_again: sorted_positions.sort(key= lambda p: len(b[ p ])) try_again = False else: # len>1 candidates = b[np] for c in candidates: next_b = b.copy() next_b[ np ] = frozenset([c]) solve(next_b, sorted_positions) return print_board(b) def solve_timed(b : Board): start_time = time.time() solve(b, all_positions()) stop_time = time.time() print("Run time:", stop_time - start_time, "sec") b1 = read_board_from_file("text/sudoku-wikipedia.txt") #1.588s / 0.151s / 0.007 b2 = read_board_from_file("text/sudoku-onslide.txt") b3 = read_board_from_file("text/sudoku-20220118.txt") # 70+ / 22s / 0.5 b4 = read_board_from_file("text/sudoku-20220202.txt") ###