Index of module types

Custom [OwnMap]
Custom string print informations for the map modules
Custom [HistoryMap]
Custom string print informations for the map modules

HI [HiddenInts]
Output signature of the functor

ORD [PrioQueues]
OrderedType [OwnMap]
The ordered type, like in the original Map module
OrderedType [ExtSSet]
Module type that extends the Map.OrderedType with some information needed to print the Map.
OrderedType [ExtSMap]
Module type that extends the Map.OrderedType with some information needed to print the Map

QUEUE [ExtSQueue]
This signature is the original queue signature from the ocaml library.

S [PrioQueues]
S [OwnMap]
The signature for the map, very similar to the Map.S signature (from the OCaml standard library).
S [HistoryMap]
The signature is an extension of the signature found in OwnMap.
S [HiddenInts]
module type with the prefix for the string_of function.
S [ExtSSetImp]
S [ExtSSet]
Output signature of the functor OwnSet.Make.
S [ExtSMap]
Output signature of the functor OwnMap.Make.
S_Str [OwnMap]
The Signature of the map together with the string_of conversion function
S_Str [HistoryMap]
StringOf [OwnMap]
The module signature for types that can be converted into strings.
StringOf [HistoryMap]
The module signature for types that can be converted into strings.