Module HistoryMap

module HistoryMap: sig .. end
The module to create a map with a fixed image

module type S = sig .. end
The signature is an extension of the signature found in OwnMap.
module Make: 
functor (Key : OwnMap.OrderedType) ->
functor (Img : OwnMap.OrderedType) -> S with type key = Key.t and type img = Img.t
module type StringOf = sig .. end
The module signature for types that can be converted into strings.
module type Custom = sig .. end
Custom string print informations for the map modules
module type S_Str = sig .. end
module AddString: 
functor (KeyS : StringOf) ->
functor (ImgS : StringOf) ->
functor (SCustom : Custom) ->
functor (Map : S with type img = ImgS.t and type key = KeyS.t) -> S_Str with type key = Map.key and type img = Map.img
This functor adds string_of function to a map.
module AddS: 
functor (KeyS : StringOf) ->
functor (ImgS : StringOf) ->
functor (Map : S with type img = ImgS.t and type key = KeyS.t) -> S_Str with type key = Map.key and type img = Map.img
This functor adds string_of function to a map using the default separator "," and the mapsto default "->"