Module Path.A

module A: sig .. end
This module provides the functions for absolute paths

exception ERemove_prefix of Path.abs * Path.abs * string
val make : string -> Path.abs
val concat : Path.abs -> Path.rel -> Path.abs
val chop_extension : Path.abs -> Path.abs
val basename : Path.abs -> Path.rel
val dirname : Path.abs -> Path.abs
val open_temp_file : ?mode:Pervasives.open_flag list ->
string -> string -> Path.abs * Pervasives.out_channel
val executable_name : Path.abs
val getcwd : unit -> Path.abs
val is_prefix : Path.abs -> Path.abs -> bool
val remove_prefix : Path.abs -> Path.abs -> Path.rel
val remove_prefix_list : Path.abs -> Path.abs list -> Path.rel list
val canonicalize : Path.abs -> Path.abs
val file_exists : Path.abs -> bool
val components : Path.abs -> string list
val string_of : Path.abs -> string
val compare : Path.abs -> Path.abs -> int