module Path: sig
.. end
This module provides methods for handling path.
It know absolute and relative path, and can
concatenate these two kinds.
Author(s): Phillip Heidegger, Stefan Wehr
relative paths
absolute paths
t =
relative or absolute paths
exception Error of string
exception EConcat_path of abs * rel * string
If this error is throw, it's not possible to concatenate the two paths.
For example the two paths /a/b
and ../../../x
, the three ..
leads to a not existing position.
exception ECanonicalize of string
Is was not possible to make a canonical representation of
the path.
val make : string -> t
creates a path from a string
val concat : abs -> t -> abs
concatenate to paths
val to_abs : t -> abs
val string_of : t -> string
returns the string of a path
module R: sig
.. end
This module is for the relative Paths.
module A: sig
.. end
This module provides the functions for absolute paths