Module type MapVar.S_WITHOUT_STATE

module type S_WITHOUT_STATE = sig .. end
Signature of the functor

include GenVars.VAR_WITHOUT_IMG
type img 
module I: sig .. end
val domain : t -> I.key list
Returns the domain of the map
val find' : I.key -> t -> I.img option
find' k map returns Some b if map(k) == b. If the exists no binding for k, then None is returned.
val find_or_add : create:(unit -> I.img) ->
key:I.key -> map:t -> I.img
find_or_add ~create:c ~key:k ~map:m returns m(k) if k in domain(m). If k is not in the domain of m, then a new image is create with the function c. Then m(k) is set to this new image and the new image is returned.
val iter : (I.key -> I.img -> unit) ->
t -> unit
val fold : (I.key -> I.img -> 'a -> 'a) ->
t -> 'a -> 'a
Like a fold operator on a map
val make_write_equal : (I.key -> I.key -> int) ->
(I.img -> I.img -> unit) ->
t -> t -> I.key -> unit
hm, what happens here?
val string_of_map : t -> string
convert the map into a string
val string_of_with_img : t -> string