Module MapVar

module MapVar: sig .. end
This module provides a functor that create a mapping variable from a normal variable.

module type S_WITHOUT_STATE = sig .. end
Signature of the functor
module type S = sig .. end
module Make: 
functor (DVar : sig
type t 
val create : unit -> t
val merge : t -> t -> t
end) ->
functor (Map : sig
include OwnMap.S_Str
val alias : img -> img -> unit
end) ->
functor (P : GenVars.PREFIX) ->
functor (O : GenVars.OBSERVER) ->
functor (State : GenVars.STATE with type obs = O.t) -> S with type I.key = Map.key and type I.img = Map.img and type obs = O.t and type domain_var = DVar.t