
Seminar: Grundlagen von Programmiersprachen

Responsible: Prof. Dr. Peter Thiemann
Assistance: TBA
Date and location:
Preliminary discussion on Tu, 22.10.2019, 15:00, Building 079, Room 00-019
Presentation dates will be selected in the preliminary discussion.


  • Active participation in the seminar session
  • Hand-ins for the elaboration and the slides before the respective deadlines
  • Preparation and presentation of a 30-minute talk about the topic of the assigned paper
  • Preparation of a written elaboration of the topic of the assigned paper (15 pages, LaTeX, LNCS Style)

A seminar concentrates on scientific results, but it also teaches competences required for scientific work. In particular

  • literature research
  • reading and understanding of scientific texts
  • presentation skills
  • creating a written elaboration


Submissions have to be handed in using the Ilias system.

1.preliminary discussionTu, 22.10.2019, 15:00, Building 079, Room 00-019
2.topic assignmentTBA
3.first meeting with supervisorTBA
4.hand in first version of elaborationTBA
5.hand in first version of slidesTBA
6.hand in final versions of elaboration and slidesTBA
7.presentation (meeting, attendence mandatory)TBA


The elaboration should be 15 pages max. It must be prepared with LaTeX, document class llncs.cls. Use this class according to the template document which is available on the Springer web site under Information for Authors. The above website contains a useful rubric "Author Guidelines" with further information. Do not change the formatting parameters of llncs.cls in any way. You must use bibtex for references. Many bibtex references can be exported from the DBLP computer science bibliography.

A good introduction to LaTeX may be found in the documentation of ShareLaTeX.

You should adhere to this style guide for all texts at the proglang group.

Some general information and inspiration about writing a paper may be obtained from Derek Dreyer's presentation How to Write Papers So People Can Read Them.


The main topic will be type theory following the book Types and Programming Languages by Benjamin Pierce. Advanced topics are available on request.