Style sheet for proglang textsForbidden words and phrases- "therefore"
- "Note that"
- "Notice that"
- "One" in the sense of 'some indefinite actor'
- "this" as a pronoun (without a noun to which it refers directly): Google for "nonreferential this"
- contractions like "don't" or "it's" do not have a place in formal writing
- avoid using "since" for giving a reason
Sentences- avoid using ';'
- avoid using passive voice
- avoid future tense, in particular to refer to content of one of the following paragraphs or sections
Enumerations- all entries separated by commas
- last entry: ", and" or ", or"
Section titles- capitalized: Google for "heading capitalization rules"
- they do not end with a period (unless forced by stupid latex style)
- Figures
- always [tp] (or [t] if a float page uses too much space)
- captions ** lower case with captitalized initial ** do not end with period, unless the caption is a full sentence ** if the caption contains full sentences, then sentences and fragments must end with period
References- bibstyle plain or abbrv
- sorted by author name
- numeric citations, eg [4]
- Do not use references to replace parts of a sentence. The text must be readable even after removing all references.